Hi there,
I have been looking for a new place to live as the place i am in has mold, lots of insects and in the winter time is a ice box... Not good for me, but especially not good for my children!! I have been going crazy trying to find an apartment thats not in crack central or not in the base ment of a house(too damo in most cases) i am just trying to find a suitable place for my children and myself, but everytime they ask for a credit check i get rejected, and i am really not sure why, i have not screwed up an any bills or anything like that... when i was younger i did stupid things like that, how can i correct that?? and most importantly how can i find a place even if it requires a credit check? What can i do for them to except me?? i'm absolutly exhausted from looking and coming up with NO RESULTS!! Any help is appreciated!!