
Trouble in School?

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I don't know. But it seems I keep getting in trouble at my school, my parents are at an end. I don't know how to stop this stupid stuff.

It ranges from tearing signs down to being late to class. It sucks balls, cause I can't go during class because of getting in trouble other times, so the only time I can go is before class which means me being late.

I can take concerta because I can have it perscribed for ADHD reasons. My parents don't blame one little bit on my ADHD, they say its all me, and I can control it, but I really can't.

Its getting out of hand. I don't do drugs, drink or smoke, just try to do funny stuff.





  1. I take a lot of medicine for my ADD. I've been on about 20 different ones in 3-ish 4ish years. Conserta made me have anger problems, a little bit. Explain to your parents, teachers, and doctor.

  2. Maybe you should speak to your doctor about changing your medication. Also, I would recommend speaking with your parents about seeking some sort of counseling or support group for both you and them to help all of you manage your   your ADHD better. I am impressed that you are showing concern at such a young age and you're not turning to drugs or alcohol. You should be proud of yourself. Hope this suggestion helps.

  3. First its good that you are asking for help. Its tough, but you can control it up to a point. Every now and then someone with ADHD or ADD needs a break, an maybe a day or two off from school-a picnic at a park- a short car trip----

       you'll do OK kid.
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