
Trouble making good friends?

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im 15, female. i can make friends pretty easily. like i will always have a group of people to hangout with at school, eat with at lunch, talk to, sit with in class,and enough friends that i could organize a large get together going out for a new movie coming up. but i don't have any close friends, you know, that person you can call every evening, envite over to your house repetitively, or that person that you would take with you on a trip or something. how can i make friends this year, but so we will be more close? like, best friends?




  1. Very good friends come few and far apart....don't try to hard to make someone your very good/best friend....just let it come naturally....I met my very best friend at like 14/15 (I am now engaged to her brother)....a little later than most people...and you'll meet some of them in college.  You will probably only have like 1-3 really close friends....for now dont worry about it....but you might also want to consider if it is something you are doing to keep people at a distance....Oneof my friends is really really nice but she is irritating and needy....but she is a really good friend...but I have to admit...I can see why she doesn't have a lot of friends...

  2. There isn't some kind of technique to find a good friend, people come and go in our lives and very few remain and even fewer remain close. A best friendship is something that has to develop over time and events it's not instant. I have a best friend and I met him around the same age as you are and we have been best friends for over 15 years now, when I first met him i didn't care for him an he said the same thing about me but over time we became more like brothers. I didn't go looking for him it just came to be and hopefully you can enjoy friendship like that one day. Let life bring you together naturally

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