
Trouble sleeping during pregnancy?

by Guest21567  |  earlier

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i am 28 weeks pregnant and having trouble falling asleep. i can be totally exhausted, but when i try to lay down and go to sleep i just lay there awake. i was told if i got desperate i could take benedryl or Tylenol pm, is that true? i don't want to hurt the baby.




  1. I also have a hard time sleeping. I am 32 weeks along, and I wake up all the time at about 3 a.m., and I am AWAKE until about 5:00 a.m. I have read that is ok to take tylenol pm, but I wouldn't. I would talk to your doctor first. I just don't want that to go to my baby even if it is safe. It seems like it'd be better to just not take anything, if possible.

  2. Both of those meds are safe during pregnancy, but I wouldn't take them unless necessary.  Try a cup of sleepy time tea or something like that - or a nice warm bath before bed.  Good luck!

  3. Yes you can take Tylenol PM. All it is, is tylenol with benadryl. With my last pregnancy I couldn't sleep and my OB told me to take it. It really helped. I didn't take it everyday but I did take it a few times and he was perfectly healthy. I am 10 weeks pregnant now and have been having some anxiety and can't sleep and my midwife told me to take the Tylenole PM as well. She said it is the only safe thing to take for sleeping while you are pregnant.  

  4. to be honest I would ask your doctor before taking anything as the amounts taken during pregnancy differ from the recommended dose.  However I would say that during my second pregnancy and this one I had insomnia and restless leg.  I had to take something because the lack of sleep was causing more harm than taking benedryl or tylenol occassionally.  I would however talk with your doctor about it.  I believe taking B12 can also help...if I remember right.  Good luck!

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