
Trouble talking.....?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so i'm a shy person, and i don't talk alot even if i'm with my best friends, i don't talk a whole lot unless if its about something that i am really really interested in. so my problem is, when i hang out with this girl that i like (and she knows it and she has mixed emotions about me i guess and she's not allowed to date yet) but we hang alot alone. 2 nights ago we were hanging together and we just had like nothing to talk about, it was just like silence and stuff and we kept laughing about it and how dead our convos were. what can i do to make it easier to think of things to talk about? especially since i'm not a big talker. and usually it can't be about big things i liek to talk about cause she isn't really interested in that. i need stuff that ANYONE can use, no matter what situation. i tend to talk more, the bigger the crowd is, maybe cause so many ppl have other stuff to talk about. idk. i just hate going through all these silent times when i'm with her. THANKS!




  1. i used to be the exact same way, dont worry.. ITS NORMAL!

    try to ask her lots of questions! find out what shes interested in, and talk

    about that. if your having trouble finding out out what shes interested in, ask her! she will like that yours putting in the effort to get to know her better. and the conversation dotn only depend on you. she should be thinking of some conversation starters too!

    Good luck!

  2. weather, always works... tell what she ate for dinner, how her last visit to the bathroom went..etc, theres just so many interesting things to talk about...

    P.S: i like the bathroom topic the most, lol.

  3. my husband is the silent type so i know the feeling. your a shy guy, she knows that.  i bet you would bend over backwards for her if she calls you with a favor. you two will eventually find your wave if you stick with it. tell her your sorry you don't talk, and if she can talk for the both of you until you find your comfort, things will work out. just be patient with the relationship and everything well be fine.  

  4. i no what u mean, cause if i'm having a bad day ppl will ask me why are u so quiet? and that just irritates me. is she a talker? cause maybe u gotta get her talkiing, cause then u wouldn't have to worry about it  

  5. You just need to let loose a little bit more. The more you start talking the easier it will get.  Just ask her questions about her life and her opinions, or whoever you're talking to.  Ask them if they could know how to speak any language instantly at the snap of a finger, what language would they want to know.  Ask them if they could see any concert line-up who would they want to see play a show.  Stuff like that.  You can even pick up a book of fun questions and get some from that.  Great conversation starters!

  6. you see when you don't talk, it might seem to your friends that you don't want to be with them. It is a very bad image to create for yourself. Trust me, I have been there, and have lost really cool/outgoing friends because of this habit of not talking.

    First, be genuine with your friends and be honest, Don't try to be talk about random stuff.

    If you are living a life, talk about your life. Things that are interesting. From your room, to what clothes you like, to the newest movies, to the actors you like, etc, etc.. Be sincere, honest, and have respect for yourself and others. Especially expect others to respect you. Also, When you are talking, make eye contact. This shows the person, that you are not faking or that you are sincere. This will make you seem more interesting. Don't ramble about random stuff either. Talk about what you would think will create a good conversation. Once you are done making comments, let other people speak. Listen to them carefully, make sure you maintain eye contact. And simply ask questions. Trust yourself, be yourself.  

  7. Do this, its called "i wonder" have some fun, I wonder if ...we went out, I wonder if we kissed lol, it can be anything have fun

    good luck

  8. wow

  9. Drink 1 or 2 beers before going out that will help you to relax and loosen up a bit.Than you wont be so tense to talk a little bit more.You dont have to get all drunk though.

  10. Talk about anything that comes to mind haha.

    or play a game like would you rather.

    because then you're talking and having fun, but not really having to think of a big topic.

    here's how to play would you rather:

  11. i just want to say "believe in ur self and u can do unbelievable things"

    try to amaze the girl and ur frends... you may try learning simple magic tricks, like disappearing of coins?? lol...gudluck.
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