
Trouble texting on the iPhone?

by  |  earlier

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I just got the iPhone and it is hard to text -- the buttons that appear are so small and i can never tell which one i'm hitting. This results in a lot of misspellings and causing me some frustration.

Anyone have this issue with the iPhone? Any tips for making it easier?




  1. this is an issue with touchscreen phones. They are terrible for texting.

    you can carry a stylus with you for texting.. or grow your nails out.

    with every other touchscreen phone you can sync up a bluetooth keyboard so it would be easier, but you cant with the iphone

  2. You proble will have to get use to it, but try Itap or word w/e iphone calls it. That will help with spelling and grammar issue. As for small button i had the Vx9800 the big bulky envy before the the small sleek envy came out, and i had to get use to it it took about a week. intell i got use to it. and if your a text nut like me I would suggest getting another phone, because if your going to spend alot of dough to have a good phone and one of those big if's are texting then i would invest in something different.  

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