
Trouble waking up in mornings for school?

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So i am an 18 yr old senior girl in high school. i gotta wake up between 5 am and 5:30 am to have enough time to get ready for school. heres the thing. i stay up late most school nights to do homework. i work about 24 hours a week. i have to work because im helping my single mom pay bills for food for her me and my bro and for,etc. so i HAVE to work. i do as much homework after school before i gotta get ready for work. i am always tired. theres only really 6 weeks of school, and my grades are slipping cause im having trouble getting time or energy to complete homework. im very physically tired after work. i have to leave home at 7:25 am at the latest to be ontime. i need to get up at 5 am cause i need to eat breakfast, do my hair, get dressed, do my makeup, wash up, etc. a lot of things to do. i hear my alarm at 5 am but im so tired i go back to bed and wake up at like 6:30 am, and then i have to rush then im late and im getting tardies and absenses. what can i do? :(





  1. Honestly... s***w the makeup!  Do it on the bus or on the way to school.  Hair looks better natural... always.  Pick out your outfits in advance, i.e. on Sunday, lay out five outfits.  In the morning, grab one and put it on.  Eat breakfast on the way.  My mom used to make 5 bagels on Sunday night, and each morning I'd grab one and head out the door.  I used to do the same thing - work 35 hours a week, travel 2 hours to high school, wake up at 5:30... it was horrible.  You are graduating soon though... so honestly, just wake up later.  An hour is MORE than enough time to get ready, trust me.

  2. apples are clinically provent o keep u up longer than coffee. Apples are also nutricious and very heathly. healthier people have less pimples  and have absoluty no trouble waking up . one of these people is me !

  3. I have the same problem.. and I really sympathize..

    Here are some suggestions:

    -put your alarm far enough away so that you'll gave to get up to turn it off, but close enough that you'll still hear it

    -I know people say that you should avoid caffeine, but 1 can would do you good.. If you have a coffee maker with a timer, you can set it for right around when you set your alarm.. this way you'll have fresh coffee waiting for you when you get out of bed

    -when you go to get your coffee, put the shower on so you can't go back to bed.. because the water is running

    -this may not be good advice, but when I was in h/s, I saved time by doing some homework in class or even homeroom..just try not to save it for the class before it's due

  4. Get a job that will allow you more down time. A great job I had before I became a nurse was an aide. Now that is a busy job but sometimes they had me be a "companion". You basically sit there do your homework and keep an eye on 1 patient that may have dementia or on suicide precautions. Sure sometimes you don't get lucky and you have someone going crazy but most of the time it was great.

    Also put your alarm across the room so you have to stand up to turn off the alarm. Get all your stuff in order before you go to bed so you can get up and get out.

  5. Your morning beauty routine is waaaaaaay too long!  My daughter is 17, gets up at 6:05, and leaves the house to catch the bus at 6:40!    She jumps in the shower, puts her wet hair in a "messy bun," throws on some lip gloss, and eats a bagel with peanut butter on the way to the bus stop.  

    I'm sure you are just beautiful without a fancy hairdo and a ton of makeup in the morning.  Simplify the routine, and you can get up at least an hour later.  That will make a huge, huge difference!

  6. its so tough for me as i have 4 yr old twin boys - and a hectic schedule -  i get to sleep late too - but i have to wake up by 4.30am so i get get stuff ready before i can wake my kids n hubby and pack them off to school n office respectively by 6am!

    i've never been a morning person - but i have to get up or else my kids would miss school - so i have to wake up at any cost!

    what do i do?

    i keep 3 alarms - at different times starting from 4am - one rings at 4 am  - which i shut off and hapily go back to sleep - one at 4.15 am - which kind of wakes me up a bit to look at the time - allthis while the snooze is active so the alarms keep ringing till 4.30 when i finally wake up and sit up coz i know that wuz last alarm at 4.30 - if i sleep after that then i am late !

    so i kind of wake up in a transisition first alarm rousing me from my deep sleep - second one wakes me up a lil more where i am sleeping lighter - then i am awake finally.

    it doesnt put me in a bad mood or anything - and i am not roused from deep sleep and rushed to the bathroom with my eyes closed!

    try it n see - hope it helps

  7. you should seriously go talk to your guidance counselor. He or she may be able to help you out and talk to your teachers and let them know how your life is right now. Maybe they can give you extra time to finish your work.

    I just want to say that it is a great thing what you are doing to help your mom, and it will make you a better person by doing so.

    God luck!

  8. why dont u buy yourself an alarm clock that will wake u up at the right time

  9. How IMPORTANT is it to your Mom- that You Graduate??! If she says,"Very..." -then cut back on Your Hours at WORK, & get some extra sleep until the School Year ends. A Year from now NONE of you are going to MISS the $$$ You didn't make over the next few weeks... But if You don't Graduate, it could mess things up for You- for YEARS!!! So prioritize- & DO what You have to- to get what you need. Hang in there, & GOOD Luck!  :)

  10. I have perfected the 20 minute get ready plan.

    Can you do your hair the night before? Bathe the night before? Wear the bare minimum in makeup & add extra later (shadow, blush, lipstick)?

    Have an apple & cereal bar & drink waiting in the fridge- grab & go.

    Can you get a different job?? One that pays more so you can work less hours? One place to look into is Starbucks & grocery stores.

  11. It shouldn't take you two and a half hours to get ready for school.  You should figure out a way to pare down and simplify your morning routine, because that is just wasted time.

    Spend the free time you have during the schoolday (free periods and study halls) doing your homework so you will have little to none left to do when you get home, and you can get to bed at a decent hour.  See if you can cut back on your work hours during the week and work more on the weekends instead.  I know you are trying to help out your mom, but your health, sleep, and schoolwork shouldn't suffer as a consequence.

    I used to keep a very busy schedule in high school too, and looking back, I sometimes wonder how I managed.  Organization and scheduling are really the keys.

  12. Two and a half hours to get yourself ready to get out of the house???!!!

    I can get me AND two kids out of the door inside half an hour, including us all eating breakfast and me making their lunches.

    Set your alarm for 6.30, and get ready faster. Forget the fancy makeup routine, it's far better for your skin not to be plastered in it every day. You're going to school, not a fashion parade - how long does it take you to run a hairbrush through your hair? Five minutes to wash and five minutes to dress is plenty of time, ten minutes for breakfast...actually, set your alarm for 7.

    I'm not joking. Do you really plan on spending over 10% of your life primping yourself? What a waste.

  13. dont worry about your appearnce as much, you dont need to be dirty but nothing special  or tryn to get some of those on the go breakfests

  14. Leave out the make up! If you really think you need it just do it in the school bathroom when you arrive. Also would it be possible for you to do some homework at lunch time etc?

    I had a uniform so it was easy to get dressed, if you dont just lay out your clothes the night before ready to jump into. Also to save time I used to shower the night before instead of the morning.

    Make breakfast simple, some cerial and a banana should keep you going, only a bowl to wash.

    Also I used to set three or four alarms, the first two were set before I needed to get up. When the first one went off all I did was turn on the bedside lamp, the light helps a bit.

    Another thing which is really good is to open your window a c***k or to put a plant in your bedroom, the extra oxygen helps you to wake up.

  15. i have the exact same problem and my mom is single to so i have to help out by working, i have to wake up at 6 but im always as usual reallly tired!!

    heres what you can do

    setup your alarm clock across your room so u cant reach it so then you will have to egt up and when u get up ur body will start to awaken if you must? well yea just dont put ur head back down...

    p.s. your a great person for helping out ur mom and brother. it will all come back to you

  16. I think u should try going 2 bed early early on weekends. Sleep in.

  17. Lots of good suggestions already, I agree with minimizing your morning routine and getting things ready the night before.

    I have had a lot of success getting my kids up for school by putting an oil burner in their room and burning peppermint oil in the morning. It helps wake you up, get you energised and get your mind going.

    If you shower in the morning, you can also put a few drops of oil on a washcloth and put it in the base of the shower, you will emerge feeling refreshed and awake.

    Prioritize the school, it's only for a bit longer!

    Best of luck.

  18. List of things that can get you running

    1. Get off the computer and get to that homework.

    2. When you get home for work make breakfast and put it in the fridge for tomorrow morning.

    3. Get upstairs and start your homework.

    4. At your 'break time' go downstairs and eat a HEALTHY snack like OJ and some crackers.

    5. When your done with your homework (I hate ot say this) dont go and have free time, get ready for bed and then get some beauty sleep.

    6. Keep thinking, schools NEARLY OVER, you'll make it.

    Hope this helped,


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