
Trouble with Braces?

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Okay, so it's not the first time I've had pain in my teeth because of my braces. I've had braces for three years, but the pain hasn't been this bad. The dentists gave me some rubber bands to keep in my mouth to help me with my bite, but it's causing some serious pain in my mouth. I can seriously cry from the pain. It's a sharp sting, and then it goes away for about a minute, and it comes back. I can't eat, because my teeth hurt to badly. Any ways to ease the pain?




  1. i'd definitely ask my orthodontist if there was anything wrong with my braces -- if they were fine i dont think it would hurt that much

  2. i had the same problem cause i had braces well of course now i have a retainer and like i couldn't eat it hurt so bad it goes away in like 6 weeks  if it doesn't go to your denist and he will give u like special mouth wash to make the pain go away

  3. i know exactly how u feel. stay on a soft food diet and eat cold food. itll be less painful. once u wear them lyke crazy ull get used to them an teh pain will go away. trust me i had to wear headgear when i was lil ir hurts lyke h**l!!

  4. take motrin, tylenol, or whatever you take for pain . also drink very cold water to numb it . hope you feel better .

  5. i need to know what kind of bands you have i have ones that you can take out when eating and brushing your teeth is that what you have if so then take lots and lots and lots of iv provine (tylenol, advil, ect!) and when i first got bands i took them out at first for short periods of time and that was just all i could do cause it hurt so bad even if the ortodontist said to "KEEP THEM IN AT ALL TIMES!!" but i did get used to them after about three or four days at least you didn't get them in the middle of the SCHOOL year like i did!! and if you need extra help call your orthodontist for advice my orthodontist (dr. brown!) is always willing to take after hour calls so call and see if yours is too!! at least when you get rubber bands it ,means it is about time for you braces to come off YEEEEEAH!

    and good luck with stupid  BRACES!

  6. Tylenol and stay on a soft food diet. You're  almost done with them.

  7. The rubber bands are shifting your teeth so there will be some pain but you will get use to it over time. Next time you go to your orthodontist let him know if Motrin or what ever you have been taking for the pain is not working maybe he can give you something a little stronger.
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