
Trouble with my bff?!?!?

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ok so once me and my bff compared class schedules for our first year at junior high, we saw we had no classes. she seemed a little sad but not even bothered!!! we had talked b4 we got our schedules and we were like OMG.. ILL DIE IF IM NT WITH U!!! and were like rly tight!!! out of all our friends we';re eachothers bffls but now she doesnt even seem sad that were not in classes 2gether!!! today on our second day of school walking home ii was like "im soo sad i missed u all day!!' and she was like yeah then changed the subject. im worried shes drifting away?? any advice? why wouldnt she care??




  1. I wouldn't let it bother you too much. If you feel she's drifting away, she'll probably be able to tell how you feel, and maybe she actually will. If your friendship is really strong and worth it to the both of you, you'll stay friends. Even if you don't you're still in junior high and have a lot of people to meet in your life. It's only your second day of school, so this doesn't mean the whole year will be like this. Maybe she's just met some new people and they kept her mind off you all day, so she didn't miss you as much. That doesn't mean you two have to stop being friends though. I had my best friend drift away from me in junior high, but I've made plenty of new friends since then. If it REALLY starts bothering you, talk to her about it, saying how you don't want your classes apart from each other to make your friendship fall apart either. The two of you can probably sort out some other way to keep in touch, be it at lunch or after school, or even weekends. If you walk home together you must be in walking distance of each other anyways right? Be optimistic, if you think things are going wrong, they're more likely to do just that. I hope that gives you some insight, and good luck! :)

  2. shes probly wanting 2 get new friends and not feel held bac by u....likke becoming popular and being a whole new person for the start of skool

    i kno wut ur going bff could of cared less were not in the same classes.. so i figured since im not cool its not cool to be round me. tho i dnt kno wut position ur in at skool like nerd or popular and all tht...but thts wut it sounds like 2 me....  dnt let her drift away hav a sleepover this weekend and remind her how awesome u r 2 b around.

    well i hope i rlly helped like i said i kno wut ur goingthru and i feel ur pain!!!..... :)

  3. people drift away. there is nothing you cando about it but let it happen. maybe its not what you want but if she doesnt care about you anymore, is she really a friend?

  4. i had the same problem in mid school but maybe she is just putting a front it mght be really hurting her but she dont want to show it cuz she dont wanna hurt u ask her about it one thing i know is not to lie just be honest  

  5. maybe shes upset because you actually say BFF in your everyday speaking

  6. Im sure she is a little bothered by it but maybe doesnt want to get you equally upset and so she doesnt  say much also let's not forget it's junior high (wth is that? lol), and so people change, maybe your friend is just going through a phase and would liek to get to know others it happens but as long as you support her through it and show her you're still her friend (and not be clingy, not saying you are but it may come off that way) I'm sure she'll see you're her REAL friend, but're a girl and so I dont have these issues with my friends we just beat each other up.

  7. your so young

    friends will come and go.

    maybe you should just talk to her.

    let her know how you feel and ask her why she is acting that way

  8. maybe she's tired of you

  9. ppl come and thay go. that's what happens sumtimes. talk to her and let hr kno how u feel/just leave her alone and let things work themselves out.

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