
Trouble with my dad?

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Hi. I usually go to Arizona where my dad lives to see him during summer. but every time i fly back to my home-state, i get really depressed and sad cause i'm not with him. im tearing up just typing this. i think its just stupid. im a 13 year old guy, i don't think i should be crying about this, even though he's my dad.

What should i do to calm down or stop crying? im always like this for about 2 to 3 weeks.

Also, i AM supposed to live with both him and my mom in 2 years, so that calms me down a little.

*****Sorry if i sound whiny i just need some help*****




  1. give him a phone call it will make you feel better

  2. Listen to some good songs.

    Or drown yourself in something, i do that alot.

    Just because you're a boy doesn't mean you can't cry.

  3. Who are you living with currently? I think it's normal to miss your parents. I think only time and your parents can fix how you feel. It's not something you can control. However, you can choose to be happy about other things in your life... what are some things your thankful for? think about those for now. Surround yourself with people you like that are available or go do something fun/ meet new people. Busy yourself.  

  4. Gosh buddy, i sure am sorry that you feel so badly during this period of time. You don't sound whiny and it's not stupid. I use to go home on weekends from college( I only went 1 year) and when I left on sunday to drive back to college for the week I cried and cried everytime. I just missed my family even tho I loved college and my new found independence. Don't beat yourself up over this. Maybe when the 2 yrs come it will all be better and you will be able to cope. Meanwhile there is nothing wrong with crying. It lets your emotions out so you don't go crazy. I can't say why you feel this way but I do know that crying is an outlet that is built in to the human soul, and dont ever let anyone tell you different.

    By the way I am in my 40's

  5. don't feel ashamed about crying. It's the teenage angst and you can't help it. Listen to some music to mellow you out. Go out and do something fun and crazy to get the thoughts out of your head, like paint ball or something.
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