
Trouble with my mom?

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okay so my relationship with my mom has been pretty rocky. I haven't been that good to her and i realize that. this past year i've continuously lied to her and have done drugs and drinking and would always tell her i would stop, but then i would just go do it again. So basically she doesn't trust me anymore. I moved in with my dad about a month or two ago just for the summer and i recently came back to live with my mom again a few days ago. So far we've been very good, except for tonight. I lied again. i told her that one of my friends, justin, was giving me a ride to this party. So when he picked me up, my friend lauren was with him, we had to make a stop at lauren's house so she could pick up her car. But we were running late and justin had to pick up another person. So i just decided to go with lauren. Then i called my mom to ask her if she could get me from the party a little later because i wanted to stay longer.. i told her that we were runnning late and that i was still with justin ( but i was with lauren) and she told me that she just saw justin driving and i wasen't in the car... so now she's saying how i should move back in with my dad again because i've lied. Is that too much? i just got back home and i really am trying so hard to not make mistakes like i have before... I only lied because i didn't want to get lauren in trouble for driving me (because she's not legal yet). and we were not drinking or smoking or anything.. i just don't like ratting out friends. i do understand that lying was wrong but since i've done it so much im just so immune to it, which is bad.. like i don't think its a big deal and that's a problem. but i am honestly trying so hard to make things better.. i just want to know if what she said about me moving to my dads again (permanently) is a little much? i at least want one more chance?




  1. Hi! I hope that you are really trying to change. I understand that you don't like ratting out on your friends. What you have to understand is that your friends aren't the ones who's paying to have a bed for you to sleep in or a shower to let you wash in or non of that stuff. Your mom loves you! I for one, wish that I had the opportunity to know who my mom was. I've been in DCFS before and thats awful. Don't take your mom for granted, she cares. My moms feelings will always come first before friends, even if she doesnt do the same. Keep trying and keep talking to her. The more you show signs of help, the more she will become understanding to your issues. Everyone lies or have lied. She is just probably tired like the average parent. Try your best to change, not for her, but for you.

  2. ooooff poor baby.

    I think if you mom knew how axactly you feel she would change her mind and she would help you.

    You should write her a letter like this one above, and let her know how you have decided to change and she will definetly help you.

    Good luck

  3. You were cough. Take it like a man for a change. You know what you did was wrong. Just how long do you thing you can go on telling lies to your mother? How would you feel if some one told you lies time and time again saying they would stop and yet they kept on doing it. Just how long  would you put up with it before you put your foot down for good. Any one will only take so much before they put a final stop to anything. You have had more than enough chances. Like the saying goes If you are going to dance you have to pay the fiddler. Now it is time for you to pay the fiddler. If this sound like a fatherly lecture you are more than likely right. Good Luck.

  4. In my opinion, no she wasn't overreacting when she said that. You have to put yourself in her shoes. If someone you really cared about and loved with all of your heart and would do anything for always lied to you when all you've ever done is be there for them and try to help them and take care of them, wouldn't you be upset? You should tell her exactly what you wrote in your question. Communication is the only way. Tell her that you are sorry, and that you are trying and that it's hard. And remind her that when people try to change, it doesn't come over night. And like previously said, maybe it's best to write a letter. Sometimes verbally communicating just isn't as easy as it is to put your feelings on paper.

  5. ok, to you mum seems a bit over the top about this. However you need to stop and go over the history here. You haven't given your mum many reasons to trust you, and then to lie about whose car you are in now seems silly doesn't it. try and talk to mum and explain what happened, it would be sad to lose your relationship with her over this, even tho' it sounds pretty damaged at the moment. You must feel very unstable at the moment, bouncing between parents. Wouldn't it be nice to just settle somewhere and be happy. Try to tell the truth and you may regain mums' trust.

  6. Sweetie, the last part of this question has your answer.  Write her a letter and tell her all your wrote , it was good and I am a mother and Nana and it touched my heart and I would give you another chance.

    Be sweet, and loving and ask her for her help in changing and that you can't do it alone and that with her help you can be the young man she knows is there. Be sure to tell her you love and respect her.  Brownie points...............
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