
Trouble with my neice she is copying me?

by  |  earlier

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More trouble with my neice she has started copying me and its EXTRA ANNOYING!!! I have tried being quiet, copying her, going in another room. But she still is copying me as of this moment she is sitting beside me acting like she is typing on a computer. Ifeel like a little kid sitting here in silence. HELP PLEASE!!!




  1. well if u copy her she thinks this is a game. Play a game with her that requires her to act on her own without help. She could be bord and just finding a way to entertain herself. Just give her some activities.

  2. Ya try actually telling her its a pain??

    Its a bittaf a heart break especially when we're young...but if there's nothing else you can do, just break it to her. Tell her to stop.

    But....there's always the off chance of her doing it even MORE. If she likes ya as much as that one guy says, she'll listen to you.

  3. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. However that being said it can get on your last nerve. I would sit down with her (you did not say how old she is) and have a talk about being her own person and how much you love it when she is herself and not copying you or someone else.

    If she is 5 or younger. Try to ignore it because it is s phase that the child is going through and it will fizzle out soon or later. It will however take a lot of Patience's on your part. In the end she is doing it because she loves you so very much. We all should be so lucky to have that kind of love.

  4. Its a tendency of the little ones that they like to copy the grown ups. They love putting on elders dresses, shoes and even pretend to shave,drive and talk like mama does.

                    But the funniest part is when a kid grows up to be an adult  she / he at some time or other wishes if only they could be a child again !

  5. She admires you and wants to be like you.  It is annoying, but you should be flattered that she thinks you are cool enough to want to copy.  Explain to her that people like her for who she is and you can even help her "dress up" so that she is cool too.  Tell her that you would like to wear something like that or have the hair do like that.

  6. She is annoying you on purpose to get attention. She would rather be playing with you than let you just have peace on the computer. The only way to stop her is to ignore her completely. Try to keep you face neutral so she can't see your irritation. Just go on  as if she isn't doing it. After awhile she will get board when she doesn't get a reaction and give up. Also when she isn't copying her give her positive attention then. She will get the idea very quickly.

  7. A 9 year old should know better. Tell her you will not hang out with her unless she quits her behavior.

    You may have to get mad at her once. Yell at her to the point it startles her out of mimicking you. Then leave and be done with it. She might cry. You might get yelled at for hurting her feelings (I am guessing your sister/brother does not discipline her much) but say to them in her presence or earshot -- I love her. We are cool. She got on my nerves that is all. She is cool and won`t do that again.

    Then she will likely creep back to you later and apologize. Say it is cool and forget about it.

  8. Of course you feel like a little kid because you are ACTING LIKE ONE.  She copies you because she looks up to you.  Too bad she picked such a lousy role  model huh?

  9. Have a talk with her.  In a loud, firm, strong voice tell her that what she is doing is not okay.  Threaten to take away her favorite toy if she does not stop, and follow through.  If that doesn't work call a babysitter and get out of the house for a bit.  I totally understand how annoying this is, and this is all I can think of you doing.

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