
Trouble with sister roomate about pitching in?

by  |  earlier

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I just bought 150 dollars worth of groceries for my apartment that I share with my sister. That's about half of my weekly paycheck. I didn't even get a thanks! She eats as much of it as me, but claims she doesn't. I noticed she opened the milk and cereal before me, mentioned it and she says I'm a food n**i. I buy it for both of us, but I at least want a thank you! I taped the receipt to fridge so she could actually see how much I spent, and she says that I'm weird and a freak over food. Am I out of line here? Help! It's causing a lot of tension...and it's just food!!!




  1. No, you are not out of line. Sit down with your sister and be honest. Tell her that you cannot afford to foot the bill for the groceries alone. Be calm and polite, but be firm.

    I myself would invest in a dorm sized refrigerator and put a lock on it until she starts helping.

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