My 13 year old stepson has been diagnosed with Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) and the symptoms are stealing, hoarding food, compulsive lieing, incessant chatter, among other things. There is no cure but there is treatment - which we cannot afford and health insurance does not cover. He can't be left home alone or he gets into everything. We lock our food away, but sneaks the keys if we're not on him every second and eats anything and everything. It is virtually impossible for him to tell the truth. His father's idea of parenting is avoidance of the issue. This boy will not be ready for life, and I cannot stand the idea of dealing with this for the rest of my life. What are my alternatives. I have given consequences that I have stuck by, but these things just keep happening. I'm at my wit's end. I don't think he will ever be ready to hold a job or move out. Help me please.