
Trouble with tampons??

by  |  earlier

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ok so ive had my period for a long time but for some reason i can not use tampons. i know how to put them in but they just wont go in. its very frustrating. is there something wrong with me or what??!! and dont answer saying how to put them in cuz i read the box and how to put it in. why cant i wear them??




  1. Perhaps you are buying tampons that are two big for your v****a.  Maybe try getting like a mini or something like that.  And when you try to put it in.  Try not to let your body contract so much when you try to put them in.  Take a couple deep breaths and relax when putting one in.  You might find that now you can use them and its not that bad.

  2. relaxxx

  3. Some girls jsut cant..idk why..

    Maybe they are too big...


    try putting vassaline (sp?) on the applicator to help the tampon SLIDE right in...

    and remember RELAX..

  4. is the problem with actually pushing it in you or r u having trouble getting the tampon out of the applicator after it is in you? because some tampons are actually kind of difficult to work because the bottom part is stuck in the top pretty good...maybe try a different brand? or if it is trouble getting it in you then try some lubrication to stick it in

  5. it's because you're hymen's a toughy :]

    just keep trying until it goes in

    push hard

    it might bleeed a little but it's just from your hymen breaking

    and no breaking your hymen isn't bad so just keep trying
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