my partners parents broke up about 3 years ago.....when my father in law found a new gf she didnt like kids and made him choose her or his 2 sons he chose her, 2 years later my partner and his father r talking again but while i was pregnant he did not call once to see how i was, when i was having complications he was not there for support, and since my son has been born he has seen him 3 times hes 7mths old, now they live 2 hours away we drove all the way out there so they could see their grandson for them to have a go at us for not seeing their grandson is it wrong for me to think well u guys chose to live this far away we hav to pack up a baby and take him on a 2hour trip mayb they shuld come to us???? and also if my father in law wants to see my son thru the week inbetween work his partner is not to know because he is not allowed at my house because he might run into his ex of 20 years that he has 2 children with..... i just think it is very childesh the way she is handling things and its alright for them to drive 2hours to see her family but when it comes to his its not allowed what do i do my partner is starting to dis own his father more and i do want him to b a part of his grandsons life he has missed out on so much already........ this new wife is a really big problem not just for us but for everyone how can we tell him without him taking it out on us????