
Trouble with this girl?

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So theres this girl who likes me and I like her back, but half of her just wants to be my friend and half of her wants to be more than friends. She says the friend side is because she thinks I'm an awesome friend and she doesnt want a relationship to break it up, but she tells me that she really likes me. I really don't know how to handle this, any suggestions?




  1. Well, if you want to date her, tell her this.  You and her are great friends for a reason.  And if you dated, you wouldn't give her any reason for you guys to break up.  Therefore, your friendship would stay in tact.  The only way the friendship is a loss, is if you do something to truely **** with her, or her to you.  Good luck man.

  2. Your best bet is to just talk to her and explain to her that you like her and you want to try being more than friends. If you're really into her, you just got to explain to her that you guys cant predict the outcome and it might make you guys closer in the end anyway. If she keeps 'refusing your offer', she might not be that into you as you are to her so maybe just let it go for a while.

    I typed that up really fast so sorry if some of it didnt make sense. xD

  3. just keep her as a friend for now, then slowly flirt with her and then when you guys are flirting the most ask her out!

    good luck!

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