
Trouble with website coding?

by  |  earlier

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I'm trying to code my website, i'm using adobe dreamweaver cs3. Here's my problem. I am able to make the table in which my information goes expand, but when it expands everything on the sides of the area (my menu's, pictures, ect...) all get rearranged and the whole layout gets spaced out. I would like to know how to make the menu, pictures, and everything else on the side of the expanding area stay put and not move when the table expands vertically . If anyone could help me i'd really appreciate it.




  1. Hi lolz;  Click the source link below.  It contains a helpful tutorial on anything and everything about making tables in Dreamweaver cs3.  Its pretty easy to follow and includes graphics (for knuckleheads like me).  It also include's placement, and cell sizing.  Normally, when I use tables, I end up putting them on a frame.

    Hope it helps.  Cheers!

  2. You have to set the height and width of the cell (I would set it in pixels) so that it stays that height/width no matter what.

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