
Trouble with window boxes !!!?

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I'm having some issues with my window boxes, which sit on my deck and get great sun for most of the day. 30" boxes have two petunias, vinca vine and bacopa in them. The bacopa isn't really growing. It seems brittle, with reddish brown tinges on the leaves, and only occasionally sports new blossoms.

I have some in a hanging planter 5 feet away, and its growing like crazy - lush, green, tons of blossoms.

Any idea why its not growing ? The petunias and vinca are fine. My best guess is that the vinca might be choking it out ? I had the bacopa / petunia combo in the boxes last year and it was fine.




  1. it is sick=bacterial/fungal.  pull it out before it infects the other plants

  2. Do the boxes need more water, or fertilizer or both?  I have not had a lot of luck wiht bocopa in the past, so didn't use it this year.  Your petunias might need to be pruned; they tend to need it about half way through summer.  Vinca vine ought to do well anywhere!  It does not seem like you have over planted the boxes.

    Good Luck!

  3. Perhaps the drainage holes are plugged and the plants are drowning in too much water, maybe you are too good to them , touch the soil before watering them, and give them some Miracle Grow to improve their growth.

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