
Troubles with family members always

by Guest60659  |  earlier

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Listen i got a invite to my nephews wedding. now here is the scoop. i don't get alone with my other in law or should i say she doesn't like me. i really want to go but don't know if i can handle this with my mother in law looking at me funny a part of me wants to go but don't know if i will lose my cool with my other in law what should you do should i go and make the best if it OR what thanks




  1. try and be friendly.

    ok, just go to that wedding and put that smile on your face is just that one occasion so it wont harm you. in these you would be represent as a good person to the people that shows up at the window. as for your in law just be friendly and try and smile a lot. even if her face is funny tell her husband.

  2. i would go and ignore her looks just smile back!! mabe shell like your smiles and smile back at you!! you never know but yes,make the best of it!!

  3. It is your nephew's wedding.  Above all you must respect that - period.  If you feel you can't go without some fur flying during the event, you should just send a nice gift and wish him your best.

  4. well not really if you can handle it, its how much your nephew means to you and how important it is for him for you to go to his wedding.

  5. I would go if she doesn't like you then thats not your problem its hers..but everybody is differnt she might like you but make sure you keep your cool act nice be a man


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