
Troubleshooting 360 page..?

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I set up my wife's 360 page for her blog and all that. I am not able to add contacts on it. Any suggestions?

I've done this before so I'm not exactly a rookie, but not exactly a geek either... help?




  1. No idea


  2. This is a 360 glitch. Often Yahoo burps up messages and invitations that should have been received long ago. There's nothing you can do about it, except wait and hope the problem resolves itself (meaning hope that your contacts eventually receive the invitations you've sent OR if they have received the invite, that it will eventually register on your 360 space). Problems receiving invitations and messages have happened before.  I currently am experiencing the same problem. See for more details on 360 glitches.

    NOTE: Yahoo! 360 is transitioning to a new system in the second half of 2008. Click on the "Yahoo!360 News" link in the upper right corner of your 360 space or go to for more details. However, the Y!360 team is no longer addressing 360 glitches.

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