
Tru Blood nourishment beverage?

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ok so my boyfriend saw this ad in my Maxim magazine and he went nuts for it and so i went to the site but i can not find a way to buy the dang i doing something wrong? is it just a joke and not for sale? either way i was wondering if there is anyone out there that knows how to get this stuff...let me know thanks




  1. It is a fictional drink from the HBO series true Blood, It is not a real beverage, not for purchase, only in the HBO series. In the series it is a synthetic blood nourishment beverage made by the Japanese for vampires.

    Also not so ordinary is a delivery truck carrying what's billed as "synthetic blood nourishment beverage," as well as vending machines for the crimson-colored drink that are completely sold out.

    so if you see a truck, a vending machine, or paper or tv ad, it is a marketing trick for the HBO series!

    you cannot buy the beverage anywhere!!!

    But with all the hype I wouldn't doubt that HBO will tempt the makings of a real beverage knock off.

    The effort is part of HBO's multi-layered advertising and promotional campaign for its upcoming drama, True Blood, launching Sept. 7. The show, based on a book series by Charlaine Harris, is set in a world where vampires have gone beyond the crucifix-hating coffin-dwellers of pop culture myth. They walk among regular folks, though they still don't like sunlight, and they're treated like outcasts.

  2. Oh dear; no, it's not a real beverage. It's part of a viral marketing campaign for the upcoming HBO serieis "True Blood." It's about vampires.

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