
Truacny record...does it matter?

by  |  earlier

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I was considered truant in high school my freshman and junior years, will the military look into that or even care? I also saw a therapist once, and she prescribed me something i never took, do i need to tell them that to?




  1. Have fun in the military. They'll take anything.

  2. I would imagine the military would look at a truant record, I mean come on, if you can't handle high school how the h**l will you ever get by in the military?

  3. Ultimately, if you're passing your classes and are on track to graduate, they won't give a hoot whether you were in class or not.  I'm not even sure recruiters can get attendance and discipline records.

    As for the meds, unless you were under continuing care for a diagnosed mental health condition, you should go with the recruiter's advice and just leave it.  You need to be really honest with yourself about whether you think you were stressed out enough to need the medication.  Marine Corps boot camp is extremely stressful.  If you aren't able to handle that stress, it could be problematic.  

    It sounds like you've moved well beyond that stuff, though... enlistment shouldn't be a problem... especially with the outstanding ASVAB score you earned.

    Finally... recruiters aren't going to spend time calling someone they don't think has a chance to qualify for enlistment.  If they had a question about it, they'd be calling somebody else.. not you!

    If you have any questions about the Marine Corps, email me.  I'm always happy to help.  

  4. they may look at the record, but as long as you graduated you will be fine unless of coarse that medication is a necassary thing to take it depends on the medication that you should be taking and for what reason!!

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