
Truck storage, driving accross country?

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I am driving accross the US with all of my stuff in the back of my truck. I can not get a trailor because it will be icy and it will slide around. Is there any kind of water proof storage I can get for my stuff in the back??




  1. I would reccommend getting a tunneau undercover.  They come in a few colors, and can be taken off very easy.  No welding, it is mounted completely with bolts.  very durable too.  I'll link it in sources.

    also, there are some good rollup covers here too.  Be sure that  you get one that states it will allow the water to drain out.  that is one big problem with roll up covers.

  2. You do not say where you are driving to and from, nor do you say how much stuff is actually going to be in the back of the truck. You could buy a truck cap (what some call a camper shell, or you could try wrapping your items in shrink wrap and covering them with a tarp.

    You are taking a great risk in traveling that way however. your stuff will be not only exposed to the weather, it will also be exposed to the criminal element. When you are driving cross country, you are going to have to stop to rest (sleep), eat, refuel, and take care of other personal matters. Leaving your stuff exposed at rest areas, motels, restaurants and such make is likely that some of your stuff will "grow legs" and be gone!

    If you are traveling on main roads, you should not worry about pulling a trailer in ice. If the road is too bad to pull a trailer, you should not be on it anyway.

    With more information, I might be able to give you better suggestions!

  3. The best way to store your items for your trip is to purchase or rent a "clam". It is a plastic case with a lid which can be put on the top of your vehicle. It is weather proof and can be locked. By doing this, others will not be able to look into your vehicle and possibly cause you to be broken into.

  4. I just came from Boise Id. to Elkhart In, it was kinda nasty on I-80 in a truck with an empty trailer. you will be on I-70-I-76-I-80 then I-90 and when you get past Madison Wi. it has been getting alot better, what you want to get is those plastic stow-away bins that the lids lock down on a "spider"net to hold them in. the one who said "take I-10" is either on drugs or an idiot

  5. Get a trailer and take a Southern route (Like I-10) and you won't see any ice. Just take your time.

  6. There are those really big zip-lock bags that you can use for your clothes and smaller stuff.  Otherwise I think you're stuck with trying to cover everything the best you can with tarps.

  7. I would look for a good used fiberglass truck cap. you can usually find them cheap, and if you don't like it on your truck, you can resell it when you are done with it.

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