
Truck won't start... what does it sound liek to you?

by  |  earlier

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Turn the key in the ignition adn get tick-tick-tick-tick-tick - but won't even try to turn over. It's a 2002 RAM 1500 Pick up




  1. HI

    Usually the tick-tick-tick is a sigh that the solenoid isn't getting enough power.

    Check your battery and all the cables coming from the battery. Pull the cables off the battery and clean them and the battery post with something sharp to make them shine. the parts stores sell a post cleaner ( a round wire brush) real cheap $1.00. or something like that. If that don't do it then I'd say time for a new battery.

    good luck


  2. Do the lights still turn on? Check the nut on the positive bolt of the battery, it may need to be tightened. Also, maybe the bat. needs to be charged. I don't think it's your starter motor, but you can have that, your battery and alternator tested at any reputable mechanics shop (autozone, pepboys) for free.  

  3. OK, lets start at the beginning, Is the battery the original? if so it's 6 years old and due to be replaced. Next, turn on the head lights, are they bright? with the lights still on try to crank the motor, did the lights go dim or go out? If the lights were bright and did not dim, you are looking at a starter problem. If they went dim you have a weak battery and will have to have it charged and then evaluate the charging system.  

  4. Always check the simple stuff first, Battery turn your headlights on do they work? my next check would be put a test light on the silonoid have someone turn the key, the test light should light up with the key in the start position, and go off when you turn the key to run or off. If that tested good check starter, if that test bad then I'd say ignition switch.

  5. lack of electrical power going to starter ...starter might be faulty ...bad ground..bad connection (battery terminal) this are the things i would chk.

  6. bad battery or alternator

    try to jump start it, and let it run for 30 minutes then kill it wait about 1-2 hours if it does it again it's probably the battery

    if it dies while idleing then you know the alternator is not charging.  Past that you need to have each part tested because you could have an alternator that isn't charging enough but charging some.

  7. check the starter and solenoid, advance auto parts can test them for you for FREE, also check your battery and alternator it might not be holding a charge and therefore not have enough power to start the truck

  8. First I would make sure your battery is good,then I would take the starter off and have it tested,maybe your alternator is starting to go bad,id have it tested also,then go from there

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