
Trucker's and A#$Hole drivers?

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Im a Dumptruck driver and I always wondered why people like to cut off or pull out in front of truckers like everyone is in such a hury that they cant be behind us for a few blocks I don't think people realize what can happen to them if they do somthing stupid at the wrong time..lets just say the truck wont care what happens to the Vehicle.if your wondering why we cant go as fast as some would like 1st we dont need to go 2x the speed limit and when im loaded without the weight of the truck im at about 22 tons so please give us a break its a career to us and a Nuisence to some others




  1. well... first off since no one here has any sense at all... there are some people who are just SCARED of trucks and dont like being around them so getting away from them is what they do... being behind a truck when loaded with rocks w.e it is that you may have... you drop half of it while your driving and then the car thats behind you gets the front of their car

    f*****k e d up and its not a sense of wanting to speed but you dont sense the speed i newer cars the way you probably feel everything in your im not saying thats its ridiculous for people to throw them selves infront of you because honestly it is... a truck and a car... im almost 100% positive the truck wins... but you have to see somethings that they do from there point of view.... and down here where i live everyone drives 40-150 thousand dollar cars and i dont think that they really want to have that 100 thousand dollar paint chipped up by the things on the back of your trucks

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  3. Hated and disrespected because they're not understood.

    I once spent a day with a driver to see what they face day to day with four wheelers and the stupid antics some pull.

    Do you know how long it takes to stop a rig that's close to 80,000 lbs. going 55 MPH?

    Do the math folks, then tell me why those fools pull into the lane in front of the truck at a red light cutting up his/her stopping distance down to nothing.

    Just to be in front?

  4. It's because 90% of little wheels drivers leave their brains outside the car when they get in.

  5. wow the guy that said like a paragraph is a real ***! you have a right to be annoyed!


  7. Because people have no respect these days. All they care about is there d**n selves...

    Its a fact lol.

  8. people want to get ahead of a truck so they will pull in front of you where they never would a car. I have driven truck to, and most accidents involving trucks can be directly related to the actions of car drivers same can be said for motorcycle accidents,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  9. Tell me about it.  I am a truck driver and I see this kind of c**p driving everyday.  

    Just yesterday some woman in a red Pontiac jumped out from behind me on an on-ramp and started to run along side my cab just so she could shake her hand at me for not going the speed limit on the ramp and the instant i hit the highway... in the process she almost drove into my front steer tire... so i gave my horn a little beep and she then cut in front of me and slowed down just so she could flip me the bird.  What a dum**ss !  Perhaps next time she'd prefer I roll over on the ramp and block the road for hours and hours ???

  10. I hear ya! I have a CDL myself and my main hobby is restoring old Dodge semi trucks (even have a web site for them) and 6x6 military trucks. You try to leave ample room between you and the car in front of you but the jerk behind goes around you and pulls right in front of you eating up your safe zone. Or they pull out from a side street right in front of you and they think you can stop in the same distance as a car. And then they have the nerve to complain when a trucker gets too close to their back bumper. I think it's a miracle that there aren't a lot of cases where a trucker got pissed and just ran the SOB over.

    But on the flip side I will have to admit not all truckers are perfect either. I've seen my share of stupid stuff done by truckers that care more about themselves then trying to be safe.

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