Question: honest....what is an untrustworthy husband doing out on the road?

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I'm already divorcing him.....just help me ease my guilt. I've caught him in lies. I just want to know what you have seen other truckers doing out there. I'm sure there are some good ones.....tell me about the bad ones.




  1. Being out on the road has nothing to do with being untrustworthy.  If your husband is untrustworthy, it just gives him greater opportunity to act.  If a man or woman driver, who is in a committed relationship, is worth their salt, they steer clear of anything that would make suspect their trustworthiness.  

  2. He's spending around $1,200.00 to fuel up and trying to make a living

  3. There are those that get lot lizards all the time and there are those that never get them. Just depends on the person

  4. lol..theres a port in every storm..get out!

    why thumbs down? The truth hurts? ok puppies and kittens..

  5. Maybe if you'd ride with your soon to be ex, he wouldn't have to pick up some lot lizard to satisfy his needs.

  6. pretty much the same as the wife is doing while he is away<

  7. My grandpa was a truck driver and he was a cheating piece of **** he cheated on my grandma so many times all they do is hook up with prostitutes and goto strip clubs hunny im sorry you married a man that was a trucker I would never do it again. Thats my experience of having a trucker in my family hope this helps and good luck in life hun, I'm sorry about what happend to you....

  8. This might not help you, but here it is anyway.  After decades of being together, when my dad is out on the road he calls my mom once and often more everyday.  Often long periods of time.  

    If he's not calling you regularily, there are plans out there that don't cost much more than a basic phone plan, and you caught him in lies.  Good for you for leaving him, theres no excuse.  

    Best of luck with the divorce!

  9. Too many things and you are the smart one for getting rid of this bum..

  10. I have herd a lot of stories of friends that were truckers, and some go to extreams some don't, but remember a gold band means nothing!

  11. There are alot of Prostitutes/whores who hang around truck stops and alot of time they come up to your rig and ask you if you want well you know. Alot of trucker get lonely on the road and take the offer but alot dont. If he is untrustwothy and has cheated on you before especially on multiple occasions then he is most likely sleeping around on the road.

  12. The bad ones will F anything in a skirt at a truck stop. They flirt with the waitresses (in their grubby oily dirty sweaty clothes) and think that they are cool when the girls feel sick in their stomach.

    There are numerous truck stops in the US where there are hundreds of trucks stopped and truckers sleeping. Guess what? there are "Commercial Beaver" hanging out and banging on the doors waking the drivers up asking if they want a commerical beaver.

    Many have girlfriends in different cities that they met somewhere on their trips (it's like a sailor having a girl at every port).  There are many women (hoes) who have CB's and talk to the truckers in their area and invite them up to their house for something warm (hot pus-sy).

    Don't get me wrong, there are some good professional truck drivers out there who adore their wives and will never fool around.

  13. ahh

  14. well im not a trucker but ive met a few in my time and...a large majority of them are pigs! BUT NOT say if you have caught him lying then hes already the type to s***w you over. leave his @***

  15. He is eating between meals. Awful. And maybe making trucker bombs, you know bottles full of........ then toss out the window, call me i am single

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