
Truckers wont strike?

by  |  earlier

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trains plains or boats wont deliver the goods door to door!!! greed: there is nothing to be greedy over high fuel? cheap rates? now tell me why they dont we dont take the world over? would u rather not pay your bills for one month if strike were to occur, or loose everything if the industry stays the same




  1. Don't make enough runs as it is and there is alot harder jobs than trucking also some illeagle alien would be more than willing to fill in the space you left behind.

  2. Trucker's get paid good..for just driving.

  3. I know that truck driving is one of the United States biggest "things".. But who really cares about them.. : ]

    They get paid just as well as anyone else in America does.

    Stop Complaining. :}]]

  4. What? I would rather loose it all then to just give up and stop working for greed!

  5. there was a truckers strike not to long ago.

  6. Getting Truck drivers to unite is completely imposable.  There is a  complete lack of professionalism that is evident on the road today.  Many drivers can't speak English,  properly maintain there log book, pretrip inspections, Maintenance or have any professional courtesies.  There is a long line of Gypos that will jump at the chance to get there foot in the door to make the haul for a much lower rate.  Believe me, if there was any kind of organized strike, there would be a avalanche of junk trucks on the road to take on what ever work was available.  Your right, the American trucker could bring the U.S. to a screeching hault if the could stick together

  7. Unionized trucking companies DO strike when it is time to renew their union contracts if the offers from the unions are not acceptable. (The trucking companies and the drivers unions have talks to decide new wages and  working conditions). If talks don't go well for the truckers unions they strike.The truckers you speak about are inependent drivers and they don't have a way to force companies to bargin.

  8. If truckers were to strike the government would declare a national emergency and confiscate all trucks and put the military in the trucks anyone not cooperating could be arrested as terrorists end of story.
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