
True/False: Parents are the reason why their kids dont succeed.

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Because the parent doesnt want their kid succeed in something that the parent has not. And by holding them back so that they stay low and depressed like the parent? A jealous insecure parent?

Can this really be true?

For example I wanted to do so much as an adolecent that I never got to do. And never got any kind of support from my parents; financially or emotionally. And when ever something good happens to me, I feel a sense of an envious or like hidden jealousy vibe. And they never congradulate me. I need to know so that i can stop feeling like a failure, and if its me, where am i getting this failure feeling from? Do I get it from them? Am I wrong or right?




  1. FALSE! All parents wants their children to be  better than them. That as far as i know. Never heard ure kinda story. Sorry to say but i think what u feel is ridiculous. So, i think u're too much in taking ur emotion. U might feel what u did never seem enough for them, but u should add 'yet'. Maybe they do feel proud of u, they just dont know how to express it to u. Be easy okay. Believe me, parents always want their child to be sooo much better than they were when theyre at ur age.

  2. FALSE

  3. I know exactly how you feel! actually, im going through the exact same thing! hurts doesnt it! i just looked at it this way i dont need them- i got my own life- ill succeed on my own cause i can do it! dont waste your energy trying to feel from them anymore! its no use! you he the power to change your life around; im doing just that! dont worry! I feel ya on this one! you cant change them! i tried and tried- it didnt work! dont sweat it! for reals, trust me, it aint worth it!

  4. It's hard to say without really knowing the situation, but yes I could see jealousy or insecurity in parents. Parents have alot to do with planting esteem in their children. If you feel that your not getting what you need from them just know that you'll have to provide your own esteem. Look for mentors to help you with you dreams, goals, desires. You've got one shot at life baby, make it your best, give it the good fight and never ever give up, what can be concieved can be acheived. Hope this helps.

  5. its not true or false.  A parent can be very jealous of a child and not want them to succeed. Yes it does happen as sad as that sounds, however the child once grown into adult hood has all the power to turn that around and succeed for themselves.

  6. **** that man **** that ok stop going on about this every child is special and parents arent doing thier part ******* bullshit ok its the ****** up kids that dont "succeed" whatever the **** that means if you want to help your children leave them the **** alone

  7. False, I think a lot of people use their parents as an excuse for failing or getting into trouble. By the time you are a young adult you have a mind of your own and create your own  pathways. We all know morally right from wrong and witness in media, school or in life that to succeed you must try and work hard.  

  8. ~Absolutely false.  If you want to succeed in life, you have to take responsibility for your own decisions, knock off the self-pity and develop some backbone.  You can only blame your parents for so long and then it becomes laughable.

    They didn't support your financially?  Well then, who fed you, clothed you, gave you a roof over your head, got you medical care when you needed it, provided your transportation?  

    Life is what YOU make it -- not your parents.  

  9. false. your parents dont owe you anything. your ingrateful, entitled attitude is your problem. plenty of successful,even wealthy people were sexually and physically abused by their parents.

    you get the failure feeling from inside yourself. stop cultivating negativity and blaming others for your life/your shortcomings. provide yourself what you are missing/seeking

    you cannot take from this world what you will not give it. beggars cant be choosers. you owe the world a living,the world does not owe you one.

  10. they wake you up but do you u get up when they ask you to? they tell you to do you work in they tell you they would help you, would u let them? im saying there trying to keep you in school in if you dont listing i'll SAY FALSE but now if they dont care in your takeing it out on your school ill still say FALSE!

  11. well i think its true that parents will make or break you.

    i understand that you dont need your parents to push you or expect of you to make you successful.  many success stories include tales of free will, rather then parental pressure.

    however, if your parents are unsupportive, or do not care, as you describe yours as, very negative vibes are passed down to the children.

    seeking love and affection from your parents is an instinct, in not only humans but animals too, that every child feels.

    its like when parents tell you they are dissapointed, not angry.  it makes you feel worse because it dims the affectionate feeling.

  12. I think it really depends on the situation, but in my opinion that statement is false. I am a teenager myself, and I know a handful of people whose parents don't allow them to do certain things, or have a harsh method of parenting. Verbal abuse from parents is a tricky thing to deal with, and I have a few friends who give into it. I have my own issues with my parents, but I keep telling myself that their problems aren't my fault. The important thing is to not blame yourself. Your parents could have been harsh on you because of the way their parents treated them when they were children.

    This jealous emotional vibe that you are feeling coming from your parents is most likely their own repressed anger. You may be doing things that they themselves never got to do.

    You should never let yourself feel like a failure. The way your parents treated you as a child could not possibly have been your fault. And it is not your fault now. Remember that you are your own person; you are not your parents. Instead of dwelling upon the grim past, focus on your future. Don't let yourself fail as a parent. Learn from your parents mistakes: encourage your children to do the things they enjoy, as silly as they may be, and congratulate them when they do well.

    Please, don't ever tell yourself that you are a failure; instead, work hard so you can prove to your parents that you can be a better parent than they were. The best revenge is success.

  13. You're right that parents can undermine their children's success, and for the reasons you enumerate.  I would say that most parents do this to at least some degree, and far too many do it far too much.  

    And, it's important to realize as well that parents also have the intention to help their children succeed, and that their undermining is usually unconscious.  

    And most important, parents cannot make their child judge herself to be a failure.  They can only judge the child that way and make their love conditional upon their child's internalization of the judgement.  It's the child who must choose whether to internalize that judgement or not.  So parents aren't the reason their kids don't succeed.  The reason is what's going on in the kid's head--stuff she got from the parents, yes, but she chose to adopt it as her own.  And that is something practically every kid does, because the threatened withdrawal of the parents' love is, for a very young child, seen as life-threatening.  But the maintenance of that internalization is something that is continually self-chosen--in other words, it's not chosen just once but at every moment.  And therefore, a different choice can always be made.

  14. right but in this case it mostly depends on the parent but ur wrong if the parent keeps there child from succeeding in sumtin that the parnt knw is wrong to do, and if ur parents don't congradulate u i guess u just keep on doin wat u do but keep ur head up it's life and if u need more help i suggest u pray 2 God 4 guidence he help me in this situation and maybe u should talk to ur parents about this too get it off ur chest to them  

  15. False.

    I do see where you are coming from and I have asked myself the same question plenty of times.

    I agree with some of the other answers though.

    Plenty of successful people had less than ideal parents.

    If you think your parents are holding you back, respectfully show them that you can succeed and exceed everyones expectations.

    I know their full support would be appreciated and useful but you can do anything you want to without them.

    Lots of people do.

  16. i think its a bit of both... but when it comes down to it, its the kid. kids are just stupid and can be taken advantage of or forced to do whatever or lied to and they'll believe it...

  17. false my cousin parents didn't go to college and she did and she pass and now she live by herself works going to get marry and is going back to get another degree

  18. It is one of the most weird problems I have ever heard.Well parents always want their children to succeed in whatever thing they do.If they are preventing you to do something ,it could be that they think the field is not good for you and if they have tried into that field , they know the field requires some compromises which they dont want you to make.

    Parents sometimes become overprotective , which you might be thinking as jealousy.Parents are the one who are more happy if their son daughters leave them behind on the road of success.

    If they are not happy with your success , the only thing which comes into my mind that you are doing something against their ethics, so please tell what do you do and what do you want to become

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