
True Happiness, Satisfaction, Success. How to achive such things.?

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Well, here i am. At a cross roads now, It's been a year since i went back to school and got a GED. Stopped smoking weed & hanging out with the wrong crowd. Here i am, no job skills. Noone will hire me, and im the most unhappy ive ever been in my life. This whole "doing the right thing" gig isnt all its cracked up to be. I was truely happy back when i was smoking weed, running the streets. I felt free, now i feel.. like, isolated i guess? So now i have two choices, Army or Job Corps. Honestly, i like the thought of being a soldier. But i dont think its for me, having no freedom ect. So, i think im off to job corps to learn culinary arts. All i want is a apartment, decent car, decent women & decent salary. And honestly some killer weed to smoke, i have not smoked in 15 months. I mean its out of my system, i dont "need" it. But, it did help & give me a better insight on things honestly. I dont know what im asking here, i guess honestly i want someone to understand?




  1. I have always been against smoking weed or whatever, in fact I've only ever done it twice in my life. But now that I am older I realize that it is not that big of a deal. People medicate themselved every day with antidepressents and such. The thing that sucks about weed though is that it does seem to stop people from being motivated and turns fast talkers into slow talkers. Anyway, who knows what the best thing to do is. It sounds like you have worked hard to achieve some tough goals already. If you can do this, I am sure you can go further because the hard part is over. I am sure the Job Corps will get you on the right track. If you learn how to cook, then you will have a skill that women love...good food will def attract a good woman!! Good luck. You are on your way and be proud of yourself.

  2. I understand you should read up on "law of attraction" seems to be working for me so far and I still get to smoke my weed. ( :

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