
True Psychic story!!!?

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Well, I posted this in the Mythology section before and someone suggested I should post it here too. So there you go...

I was a skeptic of psychics before until my mom told me this story.

When my mom was little she lived in Vietnam with her great aunt. They were walking along the market streets and this old man came up to them. He told my great aunt that if her first born was a girl, her husband would die a sudden tragic death. If she had a son it would ok. She didn't believe him at the time. Thought he was just this crazy homeless guy. Then about a year or so went by. She gave birth to a girl and her husband dies of pnemonia months later. It was really sad. Then the family remembered what that beggar man said.

I was like "wow!"

My family still talks about to this day. A true story about a true psychic. Someone that wouldn't charge money or anything to give out information.




  1. I also had that kind of story and the amusing part is I was a part of the prophecy. My mom was the one who told me this. She said when i was about to be born, maybe 8 months on her tummy, a blind woman who was with a small girl came to our house to ask for water. Mom gave her a glass of water. Before leaving our doorstep, the blind woman grabbed my mom's left hand, and said that "you know lady, you will only have one child".  Mom did not comment but merely chuckle. That was impossible! Besides my mom was my older brother and i was about to be delivered in this world. After three years, my mom delivered another baby boy (the youngest amongst us). After a year, my eldest brother died followed after 6 months with my youngest brother leaving me alone as a child :( The thing is my mom had been ligated after she had  my younger sibling. Truth or not, it did happen!

  2. I think a lot of families hand down stories like that. It's awfully hard to track down just how accurate they are. The memory of an event, even a traumatic event, can get fuzzy in spots over time. As the person tells and retells the story it is very possible that changes, inaccuracies or embellishments can creep in and become part of that memory, whether the person knows it or not.

    Here is an excellent opportunity to apply Occam's Razor. The simplest, most likely explanation is probably the right one. Most likely your mother isn't recalling her memory correctly. Perhaps in her grief over the loss of her husband your great aunt misremembered what the crazy man had said. Perhaps, less likely but yet possible, the crazy old man actually hit the jackpot with that prediction by coincidence. People win the lottery every day too despite the astronomical odds. I tend to suspect it was a little of all three -- the old man had only a vaguely accurate prophecy, your aunt recalled the prophecy incorrectly and your mother's memory has embellished the story.

  3. Sarah, if you marry a man named Abraham, you will have a baby boy.  You must name him "Isaac."  If you name him "Ishmael," then bad things will happen.

  4. That is what a true psychic does. If they charge you for their services more than likely they are fakes. Not ever body has that gift; to be able to tune into the messages sent. Some people can learn how to tune into those messages themselves; but, not everybody can do that either. Sometimes those messages can be rather frighting and if a person cannot handle the shock of seeing those visions it can be hard for them to take. If the person ask you a series of questions before they give you an answer, then walk way. For they are not a true psychic.

  5. ummm what's the question?

  6. pretty crazy

  7. I wasn't going to answer this, because I would just be repeating most of what TR said.

    Read TRs post, because that is truth.

    The beggar probably said something crazy, maybe he was even threatening your aunt. Maybe your aunt was pregnant which prompted the beggar to comment.

    She probably didnt remember it correctly, and your mother probably embellished it without even knowing that she was, because her memory has been embellished by her own imagination and belief that he was in fact a psychic beggar.

  8. Great story      thanks for sharing     i myself believe in psychic abilities and premonition dreams etc..........

    My own mother has told me similar stories,   i believe we all have psychic abilities, some just don't know how to tap into them(utilize)   I believe God gives them to us and we are suppose to read them like road signs on the road of life(sorry know it sounds cliche)      Hope this helps.   Peace!

  9. I think that this can definitely happen! This is MY personal opinion....I "know" things sometimes...NOT all of the time, though, (I wish, because it might help me out a bit more...but, oh well!)

    Sometimes I don't want to know,and I know anyhow!

    I kind of stopped the feelings for a long time from "bothering me" and now those feelings, even though I still "Get them" I also don't have them as much...,I think that it is because I stopped them and I stopped kind of believing in they don't work as well, anymore!

    (50/50) for me! Sometimes I get them...and I also tend to brush them off,and laugh them off...but, they will happen to me anyhow!

    Sometimes I don't know really what to honestly think!

    There was several large ones that I "knew" instinctively that they were "most likely" going to to me..that I was NOT going to enjoy(and I was right..about twenty something years later! I"IT" was  VERY,VERY painful for me! I knew and thought "maybe it won't I can just forget about this stupid prediction! I was soooo wrong! Boy was I! I had to deal with it...and it hurt very badly,(emotionally and mentally painful for me..but, it also changed my ways of thinking ...and that is what I needed to was a "powerful life lesson" for me!)

    The other, was before this...I had gone to visit the Twin Towers in New York...and  when my brothers and ,my mother,and I went to the top of that building(1979) I was seventeen at that time...I had this horrific feeling that a certain group of people were going to do something horrible to that building that we were standng on...I thought that it would happen in about ten to twenty years...I was off...but, I could see what the men dressed like...and it bothered me soooo badly,I wanted to get off of the building immediately! I felt the fear, and the anxiety...I also recall feeling the dizziness of going up all 110 floors! That was a HIGH building!(Well, for me, it was! LOL!) but, I need to say that if you DO happen to have gut others have told me, do NOT discount them..they may or may NOT happpen..but, feel them..and know that you do!!! Another note..regarding the Towers...I also thought that if it had happened  at that time...I didn't see America as caring all that much...well, perhaps I might have been correct for 1979! But, when it happened recently..I could NOT have been more mistaken! People ALL over this world were sooooo amazing to me! I cried my heart made me feel so da** great! I loved that there was LOVE in this world! I want to send that too!

    I think that the more we care...the more that we love and reach out..and hard as we might...we WILL get THINGS DONE!!!

    THE GREATEST thing in our world is LOVE!!!

    WE must NOT forget this...(This has nothing to do with GOD, or any other deities.!!) has to do, with life...and surviving..and so we must remember this! UNCONDTIONAL LOVE is the BEST!!!

    LOVE is FOREVER!!!


    to you!


  10. Indeed, its theorised that the human race, due to lack of suitable paths to continue evolving down are developing ESP, telepathy and telekinetic abilities. Its believed we all have it but simply do not know how to use it.

    I believe that man 'could see further down the road' and could see the outcomes from a current situation. The way I see it, he wasn't able to see which outcome would come to pass. Its just my musings come to life again.

  11. I believe in that stuff.  I think I am a psychic some what. I have dreams that come true all the time.  I will have dreams about relatives dieing and they end up dead the next day. I recently had a dream  about someone I didn't know... it ended up being my brother in law's dad, and the dream came true. I  hate it.

  12. Thank you for sharing your story. I found it to be interesting. Strange things happen in life and although many refuse to open their eyes and see it they too have witnessed these types of things i hope their un-understanding remarks does not keep you from sharing your experiences.

    For the record when people have such experiences memories do not fade and when it is within the family it is not added to as too many would be sure to correct it so this stuff others say about that are just lacking understanding.

    It is a great story one which you did not have to share but i for one am glad that you did.


  13. I don't really think he was a psychic,but then again,how did he know.I think if he really was a psychic,then,he would have told her how her husband would die.So your family could be wrong.

  14. How is dying months later from pnemonia "sudden" and "traqic"

    I was expecting he got hit by a meteor right at the time of birth

  15. It's either pure coincidence.....or just plain freaky....something to tell the kids, grandkids, great-grandkids, etc.......
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