
True and False Questions...?

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1. God commanded us to subdue the earth by using the flood mandate.

2. Science gives infallible truths.

3. Decay and degeneration are an evolutionary process.

4. Creationists agree with theistic evolution.




  1. There is no evidence for a world-wide flood, but there is evidence of catastrophic flooding in the Tigris / Euphrates area.   Who knows what "the world" consisted of "back then"?

    Truth (and by definition, falsehood) are religious concepts.  Truth is absolute.  Science offers no absolutes, only what we know based on the information we have.  

    Evolution occurs through genetic mutation.  Decay is a part of the life cycle, so it is related.  It does not contribute to evolution in the way your question implies.

    The term "heistic evolution"is new to me.  Does it mean "directed by a supreme being"?   That is the realm of intelligent design.  Creationists are literal.

  2. 1. God mad man to rule over the rest of his creation (according to Genesis [the first book of the Bible not the Phil Collins band])

    2.  Science gives answers or theories based on the evidence presented and best guess scenarios.  The evidence is not always complete and the guesses, no matter how informed, can be wrong.

    3.  Decay and degeneration are a result of sexual reproduction.  Only organisms that use s*x to recombine genes decay and die as a natural course of events, organisms that use mitosis do not (e.g. bacteria and amoebas).

    4.  Some creationists accept limited evolution but disagree with speciation.  Others do not agree with evolution in any form or fashion.  Depends on the Creationist.

  3. F, F, T, T

  4. 1 F

    2 F

    3 F not in biology

    4 F not often.  Usually they bury their heads...

  5. 1) False. No third party evidence

    2) False.Science provides hypotheses that may or may not prove to be "true" over time. A hallmark of good science is that hypotheses change or can be discarded with the introduction of new evidence.

    3) True. Decay and degeneration provide the building blocks for evolutionary processes.

    4) Insufficient data. There appear to be as many shades of "creationist" philosophy as there are people who hold to that belief.

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