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6/2/63 Midnight newark nj Female Mercury was retrograde and the moon Void of course when i was born.

What signifigance does that have today?




  1. Void of course moon - many people are born during a void of course moon, they happen around every corner. The theory behind a void of course moon is that nothing will come of anything during this period, but it's quit the opposit of people born during this period, rather than accomplish nothing, they seem to achieve more in a lifetime just because they don't know when to quit.

    mercury retrograde in a natal chart - people born when mercury is retrograde are introspective, subjective, and intuitive. They often think before they speak and hesitate to express their ideas until they know what others think.

    A note to Gary D - Those big balls of gas that are millions of light years away were put here by god so why should they not have an effect on life? Were they created for no purpose at all????

  2. Balls of gas millions of light years away have NO EFFECT on the outcome of your life or your luck. Try seeking God and find the real game plan that He has in store for you.

  3. Mercury retrogrades can cause havoc in the aspects of life Mercury rules like communication and trade for example.

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