
True feelings poem- not much literary elements?

by  |  earlier

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Stop kissing me in my head

Stop ending it all over again

Stop telling me its going to be ok

Stop making my emotions play

Stop looking so good

Stop showing me you care

Stop saying friends is all we are

Stop saying you and that girl got so far

Stop making me cry about you

Stop always being in my head

Stop making me write this poem

Stop making me relive it all over again

Our memories are my thoughts

Your girls are my nightmares

Just stop, stop making me love you




  1. sounds angry.....   Ya know there are some men I could introduce you to .....   just kiddin'

  2. Well, you use the following lit elements. Anaphora. Irony. There is some measure to your line length. Some figurative language. What I would do is revise it for confusion. Just because it makes sense in your reading doesn't mean it will with your audience; ask others if they are confused and you will see.

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