okay so i was thinking today after reading a few things and watched a movie , do you think that this concept of true love and soul mates, all that jazz ..is just merely an illusion because people that are looking for this one true love to spend entirety with find him/her then get divorced then they date and say they have found the real one this time .
so basically im saying do people believe they have found their soul mate because they are looking and really want this to happen to them selves so they take any relationship that appears good and marries just because they trick their mind into thinking "oh well ive been looking and hoping for someone so this must be him"?
Because if youve ever seen anyone that has a busy life and more concearned with other things and arent desperatly trying to find this person doesnt say oh,ive found the one im meant to be with
so i think ppl that are trying to look it doesnt happen but ppl that arent looking it will just happen (if there is such a thing as soulmates)