
True or False-Are "talongs" (eggplants) aphrodisiacs? ?

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True or False-Are "talongs" (eggplants) aphrodisiacs? ?




  1. no they're not... there just good for "torta"...

  2. nope. it was taken for an aphrodisiac, because of its shape. same goes for the tahong. it resembles s*x organs right? so there goes the old belief that if your a guy it could be as big as that and as hard. haha.

  3. when use not as food

  4. twas a belief on medieval times. But I'm afraid it is not.

  5. The eggplant was once known as the "love apple" in England because it was thought to possess aphrodisiac properties.  The French call it aubergine from the word auberge or "inn".

    Eggplant is effective in the treatment of high blood cholesterol hypercholesterolemia and in the control of cholesterol (about 30% reduction).

    As there is no real proof to eggplant being aphrodisiac, my answer's false.

  6. true... for women! harharhar

  7. Eggplants or aubergines are not aphrodisiacs. Eggplants do not contain the mood lifting substances Phenylethylamine and Seratonin which are found in chocolates (a real aphrodisiacs). Eggplants though are a good source of fiber, potassium, and nasunin (found on the skin) - an antioxidant.

  8. fry them crisp, dip them in calamansi/toyo/sili getting hungry!!

  9. TRUE

  10. i think that's a myth so false.

  11. zzz... true... hmmm... beer... zzz...

  12. yes.. only if you don't eat it and use it as.. know what I mean?  

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