
True or False: Being a man means knowing when to dump your wife?

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A woman once told me:

"look your wife straight in the eyes and tell her you want out. You may not be able to do that, though, because it would involve you actually being a man for a change"

Is she right?




  1. I have no idea, I've never been dumped, I'm the dumper rather than the dumpee... which I admit kind of supports your views of women or possibly I'm quite manly at times?? Either way, I always like your questions, they have a bit of a bite, but they are thought provoking.  

  2. she is dead wrong.a man is capable of loving he has a heart and he can be more sensitive.she is talking of a pig not a man.

  3. I think its absolutely true. When I read this statement, it made me think of how cheaters are cowards who, instead of being a man and saying you want out, do it behind one's back. It takes a real man to just end things first, and it avoids a lot of hurt and resentment.

  4. well my husband is asleep and he knows if he wants out that is fine but he values our family and what we have

  5. no respecting real woman would even speak to you, keep believing in your blow up doll.......

    Cant you just ask a normal question without being degrading? I feel sorry for you

  6. yes

  7. Sounds like she put you in your place.

  8. Her answer was mean but to be honest sometimes your questions sound kind of mean too.  I know that to work through something that is close to you can be difficult.  I have done my share of that on this forum.  There are lots of people here who are bored, in pain themselves or are just plain mean.  Dumping your lady is not the answer and I think you know that inside.  It is hard isn't it to deal with your feelings honestly and face what one feels.  I too have a problem with that.  Acknowledgment of feelings that don't meet with societies approval is hard.  Take  care friend.  

  9. I don't think so. I think being a man is guiding your wife in a relationship that lasts...Its actually a man's duty to guide his woman according to the bible if you even are remotely interested in that stuff. A jerk looks at the person he married straight in the eyes and says: "I want out". Its a lot easier to bail from a sinking ship then to patch it up or build one. Take Care

  10. False. Being a man means knowing how to work things through not throw your vows away . . .

  11. Since when is a Man defined by what some dumb bitc- tells you? Are you still living in the 70's man or what.  

  12. I truely...would love it if a man would just say it that simple. I honestly would just say.. Oh! Okay! and help him pack. I already know..forever is a lie and a fariy tale so why beat around the bush. If your done your done! All good things must come to an end..

    Now hurry up and get out... My boyfriend is waiting to move in!


  13. I thought I sent you fishing to catch a fish?

  14. What she means is that a man who tells someone it's over in their face is not a coward.  

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