
True or False? Now answer this?

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America loves Sarah Palin?




  1. True.

  2. If you like a talking pit bull that is going to whine and bark and wag her tail to have America do more fetching for the money ball and have a treat thrown once in a while while the dog rules , then yes

    I saw a guy wearing a shirt and  it said I carry the p**p!    

  3. hahahhaha, maybe. But not as a VP!

  4. Besides her mid-western voice, she is the salt of the earth and will make a great VP and president if anything happen to McCain. We need parity between the two branches of government not more rubber-stamp politics, partisan politics.

  5. True, some love her

    False, some dislike her

    Your point really?

    Personally I love this woman and what she brings to this ticket.   Before its over; America will love her and see that she is ready to fill the role of Vice President.

  6. Great women, but no class...We need class in America!!  This is a race about the people and all i heard was how McCain served for us (I respect it) which doesnt make me want him to lead us.  He was a soldier and did his job -thats it!!  

  7. Only true Americans. Not those who whould like to see America turn into a socialist nation.

  8. True Americans aka conservatives, love sarah palin

    libs are scared of her.

  9. true.  People love Moms.  Not coke sniffers!

  10. False, only Republicans


    Go Obama Go!!

  11. True with a capital T

  12. True, at least she is is for all America. There is nothing wrong with every able body person getting up and going to work.

  13. Some love her, some don't. Tiny American Flags for everyone!

  14. who is sarah palin

  15. If you take the POLITICS out of this question

    Yes, the average American loves a free spirit

    Sarah Palin reminds me of a wild west type in the modern day world.

    I would say Sarah Palin has true John McCain said

    but some people call her a *hick* or a *red neck* so some people

    would get mad if you mentioned anyone that did not live in the *hood*

  16. depends on the definition of love

    False: loves her politics

    True: Loves her body

  17. True

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