
True or False: Writing in "Hillary Clinton" on the ballot is the same as voting for McCain.?

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Everyone said we were wasting our votes when we voted for Perot. I disagreed then and now. Under that theory, any vote that is not ultimately for the one who wins was a "waste."




  1. True. Two people and two people only are running for President. If you don't vote for one you are essentially voting for the other. I like Clinton also but she is not the candidate. The world cannot afford four--or eight -more years of Republicans. Are YOU better off today after 8 years of Bush?

    Hey write in Mickey Mouse if you want, might as well, because it doesn't count!!!

    Come on people, think!

  2. No, of course not.  Yours would be a totally wasted vote.

    If you're a Democrat the Republicans would love more like you!

  3. It renders your vote completely meaningless, but it may provide you with an emotion that you like.

  4. MCCAIN 08

  5. False... its actually a vote for Bill

  6. I don't think it's exactly the same.  If you vote for McCain that means you are giving Obama zero votes and McCain 1 vote.  This is like giving Obama -1 votes.

    If you write Hillary Clinton on the ballot, that is giving Obama and McCain both 0 votes, so it's still better than voting for McCain (assuming question asker wants Obama to win).

  7. True....takes votes away from obama ...........

  8. Don't do it , it will go to Obama!

  9. Writing in Hillary Clinton on the ballot means you're voting for Hillary Clinton  who is Hillary Clinton, not John McCain or Barack Obama. It would count as a write in vote for Hillary Clinton.

  10. False.  It's a vote for Hillary Clinton.  just like a vote for Perot in 1992 was a vote for Perot.  Don't let fire and brimstone ideology influence your vote.

  11. neither your not voting either way so...

  12. Only if you were voting for Obama instead.  

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