
True or False: discrimination is the sole cause of the wage gap?

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Hey J, do you have any proof to back up what you're saying?




  1. Women in the United States earn 70% per hour of work of what men earn.  The economists Rex Fuller and Richard Schoenberger monitored the career track of business degree graduates at the University of Wisconsin, 47% of whom were female.  Their starting salaries were 11% lower than the men, despite that the women had higher grades and had participated in more internships.  In other words, women who were more qualified than men still had lower salaries.  The gap increased as the years went on*.

    Sociologists show that discrimination in hiring, promoting, and assigning salaries accounts for half of the wage gap**.  The rest is mostly due to women leaving their careers.  A recent Center for Work Life Policy survey*** shows that 63% of women experienced harassment at work, suggesting this is a major cause.

    Another major cause is the fact that women are expected to be in two places at once.  As many women, single men, and men with working wives have been complaining, corporate culture demands that employees hang around all evening, come in over the weekends, and are always on call.  In other words, corporate culture requires that for a person to be "professional," they must have a woman who is doing all the housework, errands, and child care for them. As mentioned above, this hurts single men, too, but obviously not as much as it hurts women with children.  It also means that many couples come to the conclusion that the woman has to leave her career or else /neither/ of them will be able to have a career.

    Finally, as more and more women move into an industry, the general wages of that industry are lowered.  This has happened historically with librarians, teachers, secretaries, and more recently with accountants.  There is some concern that it is just beginning to happen with lawyers.  Just shows you can't win. :-P

  2. False, there is rarely if ever one cause to anything. But it is a major cause, and worth discussing and trying to limit.

  3. False.  I think it is rare that discrimination is the result.  If it were we would see many in court for it.  I think the large majority of it has to do with the choice of women to put family, specifically children in front of careers on their priority list.

  4. Absolutely false; the wage gap is caused by choices made.  Although; some of these choices can not be helped; for instance a woman with kids can not travel, especially when she's got kids in school.

  5. False, motivation is the cause of the wage gap.

  6. False, because there are other factors, but it is a significant cause.

  7. False.

    I haven't yet worked or found a job that a man and woman, for identical work, earn two different salaries.

    I think it is other factors.

    For example, one of two jobs I work is in an underground gold mine. It's long days, hard work, nights, weekends, etc.

    We have one woman on our 30-man shift and she earns identical wages to me - for the same work as me.

    Most of the women on our site work a 9-5, Monday - Friday office job.

    They're paid less - but they also have much easier conditions than us.

    It comes down to choice of job, I think.

  8. false, wage gap is a lie that feminist groups use to generate feelings of outrage, victim hood and anger. this emotion is used to manipulate women into giving support to radical feminism.

    radical feminism exploits women.

  9. False, in my opinion...

    Also, in my opinion, the wage gap is a label for the differential between the earnings of men and women in the same position.  In order for their to be an unfair 'gap', however, it has to be proven that the output and productivity, seniority and quality of work between the two are identical.  I wonder how many research this in the necessary level of detail before crying foul....?

  10. False a deep sea plattform welder can ask for more money than say a cashier at GAP. Thas the true reason for the gap women entering a by far narrower field of work.

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