
True or false: A law making abortions illegal will not be obeyed. ?

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Education, support and guidance will stop more abortions than the penal system.

Einstein quote:

Nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law than passing laws which cannot be enforced.




  1. Of course it's true. We only need to look at history to know that a law making abortion illegal will not stop abortion only make them more dangerous.

  2. Before abortion was legal, women were dying from back alley abortions and "wire hanger" self-induced miscarriages. Making abortion legal gives women a safe alternative.

    To make abortion illegal would be stepping back 40 years in women's health care. Abortions will not stop, they will just become dangerous and potentially fatal, again.

  3. True, without a doubt.

    There are many laws in the world that are broken constantly, at every minute of every hour of every day. Homicides are committed yet murder is illegal. Thousands of people get high everyday although drugs are illegal. Laws being made will make most people obey them, but the ones who truly don't care will break them.

    It's a very personal choice for an abortion, and if the government bans it (there are many choices influencing this decision, such as religion, which should not be factored into this at all because not everyone believes in the same faith), it would be an awful thing to do.

    Because illegal abortion clinics would open up instead of government approved ones, and those are more dangerous as opposed to the safe ones the gov't verifies. Abortion banning, yes, will lower the statistic as to how many women obtain abortions, but for the few that still choose to do it it will be much more dangerous because, like I keep saying, those illegal clinics are nothing compared to the gov't approved ones.

  4. True, liberals don't believe laws are meant for them.

  5. Who cares if they have back alley abortions? I mean really ,at least tax payers wouldnt have to pay for the cheap whores to have multiple abortions. If they want to be murderers they should be treated like the trash they are.

  6. Abortion is a sad word. But much worse is when we make a law that makes it illegal and look at this surgery performed as if you are looking at a butcher because someone have the right decision to make it illegal.

    It should be illegal, but we cant do anything about it, cuz a girl loving a guy and suddenly regrets it and the only one to blame is the kid that maybe he wishes to come to life, but he doesn't have the words to say.

  7. all laws are disobeyed. there is no reason that this one should be any different.

    the day of the back alley abortion was back when people were ashamed to be pregnant outside of marriage, now it gets you a magazine spread.

  8. in the U.S., it is true, because the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that laws banning abortions were unconstitutional.

    If the Supreme Court overturned this, states would be free to ban abortions. And then we would start having the "back alley abortions" again.

  9. It has already been proven that despite harsh laws women still would have abortions.

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