
True or false: American weapons and munitions were used by Georgia on their initial attact on S. Ossetia. ?

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Bush has over one thousand troops in Georgia, and is supplying them with weapons of mass destruction.




  1. I hope so ! dude,you badly need some weapons of mass instruction to clear you mind...........

  2. I don’t know much about the acquisition of weaponry in that part of the world, but it is pretty safe to surmise that most of the arms possession in the world is the result of American manufacturers, or independent illegal weapons dealers, selling American weaponry and munitions to other nations. The networking solutions company Cisco touts, in all its advertising campaigns that the “World’s networks run on Cisco”. Well the United States can also have an advertising campaign which states that “The global machinery of war runs on the United States.”


  3. That'd be false.

    And weapons in that region are probably 99% Russian.

    Doesn't make sense to buy western weapons unless it's something as

    sophisticated as F-22 or Patriot missile defense system, for which no one has the money there. Russian weapons are chip and so are the parts, ammo, etc. May be small arms and anti-aircraft shoulder fired missiles, but there's plenty of those made in Russia and sold to anyone.

    There was a lot of BS floating in the media originating from Russia, about US soldiers captured in Ossetia, then it was replaced by "black mercenaries", then it was about Ukrainians shooting down Russian tu-22 bomber.. NONE of it was ever proven to be true.

    Let alone the most notorious Russian/Ossetin lie about genocide committed by Georgians who killed 2000 civilians in one night.

    HRW reported 44 dead including military and so far Russians or Ossetins have to produce single photo either of thousands of bodies or alleged utter and complete devastation of Tskhinvali.

    Again, HRW reported only central and southern parts of Tskhinvali were damaged and partly by Russian airplanes bombing it since aug. 8 to force Georgians out.

  4. oh well...I guess everyone needs a hobby

  5. Although I found several sources that said that the US had given over 150 million in aid to Georgia between 2004 and 2006, and that an additional 250 million had come from a US corporation set up to reward "proper government", every one of them led back to the same source - Al Jazeera.  I could not find any US sources that gave any information about it at all, not unusual with this administration.  So I actually can't answer this question with any certainty.  But I do agree with the person who talked about how widespread our arms sales are.  And I have heard no reports of WMD being used, no nuclear weapons or biological or chemical weapons reports.  

  6. CORRECTION: Israel's weapons,armory and airplanes were used by Georgia to attack Russia. Also, Israelis were training Georgian soldiers

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