
True or false..............?

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The BCS was created to bring down the good conferences like the Big 10 and the Pac 10 to make the SEC known and bring down the Rose Bowl? I believe it.




  1. False.  The current BCS scheme actually hurts the SEC.  That's why the SEC commissioner, Michael L. Slive, is the main lobbyist for a playoff system.

    In 2004 an undefeated SEC Auburn team didn't make the cut into the National Championship game.   A playoff would ensure 2-3 SEC teams have a shot at the end of each year.

    Learn your stuff.

    EDIT:  Ok, I'll just try to prove this another way.   The Big 10 and PAC-10 are heavily opposed to a play off system.  The SEC WANTS a playoff system.    Now why do you think that is???  Look every year for the last several National Championship games, and Big 10 of PAC 10 team has been in it.  They play a weak conference schedule WITHOUT a conference championship game so it makes it easier for them to run through the year undefeated.

    I'm just saying look it up, Mike Slive, SEC Commissioner WANTS a playoff system, Big 10 and Pac 10 are strongly opposed and want to keep the BCS system.   Now if the BCS favored the SEC don't you think it would be the other way around???

  2. that's true i am agreeable with you.

  3. SEC is known because they're beastly. Not for any other reason.

    LSU, Florida, UGA...One of these will probably take the crown this year.

  4. False, It still gets a championship every 4 years no matter who's in it. Plus, the PAC 10 and the BIG 10 have both done pretty well since the BCS' inception.

  5. I agree with Wonder

    The BCS actually hurts the SEC because the Conference is so Tough, if you lose 2 games then you're out of the National Title Contention. Pac-10 is a very weak conference, thats why USC has an easy path to the Rosebowl every year.

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