
True or false???????

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The 400"Keck reflector can detect stars 100x fainter then xcan the largest refractor, The 40"yerkes Telescope




  1. The function of telescope is to collect more light. So as the  diameter increases, the coillection area incrteases square times.

    So the answer is true.

  2. True, reflectors are much better at gathering light (like faint objects) than a refractor which magnifies

    From the web:If you wanted to find something small in a dark basement, would you use a magnifying glass or find a way to get more light? Of course, you'd try to find more light. Astronomers do the same thing -- the Universe is very big and the light coming from other stars and galaxies is very dim. For example, the nearest large galaxy to our own, Andromeda (also called M31), is about six times the apparent diameter of the Moon, but the Moon seems much larger than Andromeda even through binoculars. Just enlarging the sky won't solve the problem -- you don't just need a magnifying glass to find something small in a dark basement. You need more light, so you need to make a telescope that will collect a lot of light. The bigger the diameter of the telescope you have, the more light you can collect, and the better the images you can take. But, you also need to have some way of focusing all the light you collect. Galileo's idea of using glass lenses to focus the light from stars was thought to be the best way to do this for some time.
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