
True or false?the term "conservation" means that we should avoid using any natural resourses.?

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True or false?the term "conservation" means that we should avoid using any natural resourses.?




  1. No, it means that only use what we need and not be wasteful.  For example; When we heat our homes, the thermostat set on 90 will make it pretty hot in the house.  Opening windows would help cool it off, but that would be wasteful.  To conserve energy then, we would set the thermostat at a lower setting so that it is comfortable, therefore eliminating the need to open a window.  Make sense?

  2. False.

    Conservation means to keep, maintain or preserve, that is, not to destroy, damage or exhaust something, be it natural resources, money, energy, oil, etc. Anything that is subject to be destroyed, damaged or spent is also subject for conservation.

  3. it is false. conservation means we should CONSERVE  water, electricity and fuels and not to USE them. the only natural resource we use for conservation is solar energy.

  4. False.

    In conservation biology lingo, conservation implies the sustainable use of a resource. Avoiding the use of a resource would be referred to as preservation.

  5. false,becoz we should not only conserve natural resources rather we should know how to use aa our resources some extent it should be true as if we willl not save our sources future generation could not be able to enjoy these resources

  6. not really.  we need to use less, waaaay less for resourses to be able to replenish themselves as we use them.  for example, if you cut down a tree to make pulp to make paper, that tree takes decades to replace, but if you recycle your old paper, then the trees get to stay, or can be used for other things, like lumber.

    if you mean energy conservation, then conserving energy may mean less coal burned, and less polution.  you can also use alternative sources.  solar panels are pretty guilt free.

  7. f

  8. false

    conservation means to conserve your resources , use them sparingly, efficiently

  9. False, it means we should use them in moderation and rely on other sources as well

  10. You actually answered your own question...look up conservation in a dictionary...seriously.

    : )

  11. False

  12. False.  It means that you should only use what you can replenish and use without harming the natural habitat or environment.

    If a T/F question has any, never, always... You can almost always answer false.

  13. wrong. it means we should conserve energy by ordering more stuff online instead of driving to places.

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