
True or not?

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O.K so I have alwyas been told that my great great (some amounts of greats) grandparents were dukes and dutchess/ lords and ladies in Ireland, England, and Scotland. People say when the knig they were backing was dethroned they were forced to leave.

What is the chance it is true. I mean my family did live over there and did leave when a there was a change in kings. But what is the chance it is true. And if it is true is it possible that i am related to some modern royalty?




  1. Anything's possible.  I'd be nice to thinkj so, wouldn't it?

    Do some genealogical digging in the roots of your family tree.   Look up Burke's Peerage, they may have your great, great, great grandparents listed.

  2. Have the geneology checked.  Could be, or they could have been commoners who left regarding a change of royalty...there was enough of that going on for generations...Centuries.  That's why the pilgrims came here, so could be anything.

  3. Everyone with British Isles ancestry is related to royalty. It's nothing particularly noteworthy to be distantly descended from a king or noble. It confers no titles or precedence or status unless you are the verifiable holder of a title or courtesy title. Something as important as ducal status would be well-recorded and if you have no record of it it probably isn't true.

  4. It's possible that the story is true,and it's possible that you are descended from the nobiliate,not royalty.The only way to be sure is to have a genealogical service that specializes in the peerage and royalty trace your background(Burke's Peerage and Debretts).

  5. It is a distinct possibly, but you would have to have copies of all records to prove it :)  I've went through all of this myself, and have spent thousands of man hours over a decade, and thousands of dollars to legitimize my genealogy. . .  Very hard, but I find it alot of fun :)  Thank God for the internet nowdays. . . makes it so much easier :)

    Good luck with your research!!!

  6. It may be true, however, since you are referring to your great-great-great...grandparents, you are too far removed to be considered a nobility or related to royalty. Nowadays, unless you were born into the royal family or an aristocrat family with royal styles and hereditary peerage titles, you're pretty a commoner like everyone else. It does not really make a difference in your life if you and the Queen are 100th cousin 3000 times removed.

    A royal family typically includes the spouse of the reigning monarch, surviving spouses of a deceased monarch, the children, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, and cousins of the reigning monarch, as well as their spouses. In some cases, royal family membership may extend to great grandchildren and more distant descendants of a monarch, but this is very unlikely.

  7. The way the British Royalty have put it about from time immemorial just look at Henry and his six wives and who knows how many mistresses - its a wonder the whole of the British Empire doesn't lay claim to the Throne!.

    No great thing to have "Noble lines'  - I'm guessing American heritage makes it exciting.  YAWN.
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