
True that the decline of people wanting to become a pilot is declining due to.....?

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..... the perspective that pilot = every day the same thing?

I mean, in nearly every other job, you make every day something different.... However, as a pilot, you really make your license, and then just will fly forever..... Boring, right?




  1. I'm not sure if it's true about the decline,but back here in singapore,the aviation industry is booming,and the recruitment for new flight cadets seems to keep increasing.If i have the qualification,i would want to be one too,especially with such high pays. $$$$$!

  2. You see in the above answer.  "Glorified bus driver", next time my airliner has a issue, I'll pull over to the side of the road so you can get out and walk -- oh wait.

    It's not the same thing everyday -- the weather is different, the problems are different.  Frankly, airliners are the most boring, but still they deal with thousands of issues every day.  The other guys, ag-spraying, powerline, fire fighting, etc. have even more to deal with.

    An old Captain once said, "Flying today is disgustingly safe" -- he said that in 1963.  People used to dress to go to the airport, flying was expense.  People have gotten used to it.

  3. In an age where air travel is popular as ever, there are now tons of people qualified for the job, which means less money for the one who gets the job, giving it less appeal. I personally think of airplane pilots as glorified bus drivers.

  4. Pretty much. Glad I'm retired.

  5. Being a pilot doesn't have the glamour appeal that it used to, and it is not as financially rewarding or as cushy as it was in the early days of the airlines.  As a result, fewer and fewer people are considering it as a career.  However, people who truly love to fly continue to train as pilots and regularly join the ranks of commercial airline pilots.  Whether this minority and a few others will suffice to meet the increasing demand for pilots worldwide remains an open question.

  6. It's declining because of the pay, the work schedule, the absence of job security, and pension revocations.

  7. One reason is the cost of training ,very expensive,+100.00 dollars per hour plane instructor +50.00.To get all ratings,

    at least 50,000 dollars.Not to mention cost for type ratings.

    At fist most instruct for a number of years LOUSY pay.Can't

    make a living and pay for training.but after the hard times it takes years to get enough hours and money to get insured to get hired.Again working at say AmericanEagle Lousy pay for 5 years.After that it gets better.Pilots are needed.To get withe big carriers it takes many hours and a degree at least.

    It also takes perseverance.

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