
True that the relationship ATC-pilot is not the best one? I've heard that there are some problems?!?

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Just a few weeks ago, I've heard this at JFK airport, which is quite a common thing.... Do you see it the same way?




  1. New York controllers do tend to be bigger jerks than most places I've been, but they also handle some of the busiest airspace in the country. It also depends on the controller themselves. Where I'm based, there are a few people who always have a bug up their *** no matter how nice you try to be to them, or how light their workload is. Some people just don't handle high stress environments well, and it shows when they're working the radios. Regardless of that fact, most if not all pilots tend to try and stay on the controllers good side, because it makes it easier on us and them. Besides, they are generally cool people, and on long nights, joking around with the controllers helps keep you sane

  2. Overall, I don't think there is a huge problem with the pilot, ATC relationship.

    While what you heard is not uncommom, for the amout of flights that go on during the day, I think very few feathers get ruffled.

    I think pilots respect the job ATC does.  In most situations, ATC keeps you safe from other traffic and weather.

    That being said, I think there is a greater potential for these two groups to bunch heads for the following reasons:

    1. If there is bad news to be had in terms of ground holds, s-turns or speed restrictions, ATC is the one giving it to pilots.  Sitting there in the cockpit with not much to do about it can be quite frustrating, especially when the information is inconsistent or just doesn't seem to make sense.

    2. Both groups have "personalities".  I think pilots and controllers both seem to be very A-type personalities when it comes to decision making, egos, etc.  That is not a criticism, just who I have noticed has pilot and ATC jobs.

    3. Both jobs are high workload, quick decision-making, high stress jobs and with the crews having final say in what happens, those actions can sometimes conflict with eachother.

    Overall, I think it is a good relationship and given what these two groups do on a daily basis, I think they work together well.

    I hope this helps answer your question.

  3. I've yet to date a controller.

  4. Yes and No. The less experianced guys does not understand why he has to do the approach and cant get vectors. The more experianced pilots understand those things. My best friend is a ATC and he will sometimes be the biggest *** in the world to me: report R245 at 56dme and then 5 min later report R253 at 47dme and he knows i will be there and at what time but still does it. Somedays he will give me vectors with minimum seperation.

    To be honest its a love hate relationship all the way

  5. Alot is hype IMO. Yea there are times where we get a bit annoyed at ATC for not giving us what we want, and I'm sure it works both ways.

    But I have no problems with ATC at all, they do a geeat job and I find if you are friendly and try to accomodate them, they will return the favour most of the time.

    Sure there are guys that are grumpy constantly, but I've flown with a few pilots that are like that too...

    They are invaluable in what they do, and I think many of us realise that.

  6. It's a love hate relationship.   They don't give us clearances that are most beneficial to us at the time, so we get frustrated.  They are tired of us busting airspace and not following specific procedures in order to make their difficult job less hectic.  The cycle goes on and on.

    I think the service the provide is invaluable, so I don't mind extending my downwind for 5 miles.

  7. --Not true.

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