
Trumpet vines?

by Guest32272  |  earlier

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I hate them want to kill them. The lovely people who lived in the house i bought before me let them go insane.They are in my siding ,one even popped up in the middle of my basement. The orange ones should be outlawed!!! I feel better just reading some of the posts. There should be a support group for trumpet vine survivors. So Thank you for all the tips i will be trying them. I will report back with what works. At least i can stop the digging china is getting mad.




  1. You could wack them back then put salt on them to kill them. No planting anything there for a long time though.

    Or use Ortho Poison Ivy and Brush killer straight on to the base of the vine.

  2. If you really want to get rid of them, let them die back during winter, cut them back to the stem and let them remove theme or let them grow back more "controlled

  3. LOL I hope you get rid of them!

  4. Hummingbirds love trumpet vines! Its probably their favorite flower. They can see it for yards away and chances are they know about your trumpet vine and are regular visitors already. Its a very good chance the previous owner was trying to attract hummingbirds to be viewed from a seating area outside or even from a window inside.

    I think you have a golden opportunity to turn Lemons to Lemonade here. Take an interest in hummingbirds. Go to your local garden center and get at least a few hummingbird feeders and put one or two outside your kitchen window or living room. Put one by your sundeck or patio and you will be amazed by one of the most spectacular natural sights mother nature has to offer. Read up on them and learn about them. There are even hummingbird groups on Yahoo! Sorry about the trumpet vine going into your basement yes they are quite prolific. But that's not a reason to go ballistic on them lots of vines like ivy are known for their ability to grow on the outside of the house and some really can appreciate that sorry you are struggling with that..
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