
Trust in God, but lock your car! Is this the same as saying, I`m not superstitious but........?

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Mononoke... I resent your remarks. I hope they are not meant unkindly. I am not an atheist. . My question has nothing to do with religion. You have misconstrued it. Others have taken it for what I mean... Don`t attack people without cause.




  1. Yes, similar. It means while you trust some things to God, common sense also needs to play a part.

  2. I think it means that you can trust in God to help you, but you have got to meet Him halfway.


  3. It means "Keep Trying"............ or you end up with NO Car.

  4. Have Faith and Trust in God Spiritually.

    But you also have to be practical, in worldly matters.

  5. it,s the other i don,t trust . they also say inGod we trust all other pay cash

  6. In God we trust; all others pay cash.

    There is the divine, and there is the human.  When dealing with the human, cover your backside.

  7. i dont get really what your saying....god isnt there to make everything go your way bad things can still happen to you. believing in god doesnt make your life just peachy all of the time.

    you must be an atheist because you dont seem to know much about the subject your dissing. and i mean that in the nicest posible way  do a little research then insult/question religions k

  8. I know another one.....Pray for a good harvest,but keep on ploughing.

    I,m not superstitious,touch wood i never will be.

  9. Trust in God, does not mean, "Do not do your human duties!"

    Do all human duties, trust God all the time, too.


  11. It is as simple as Heaven help those who help themselves

  12. yes, but God didnt say you must go look for trouble..remember the thief aint worried about God he just wants ur radio

  13. hahahaha very good, always best to err on the side of caution.

  14. Good analogy.

  15. Loudspeaker vans came round the town, announcing an impending flood. Mr. Faithful ignored them.

    The police knocked on his door. He told them it was no problem, he had faith

    The water started rising, he went up to his upper floor. A fire-engine came, and he was invited to come down the ladder, He told them he had faith.

    He was forced onto his roof by the rising water. The navy sent a boat, but he would not get in, because he had faith.

    The water was round his ankles. The air-sea rescue sent a helicopter, but he would not have anything to do with it. He had faith.

    After a last Glug, he went to a better world. 'What happened?', he asked 'I  had faith and you let me down.'

    The answer came: 'I sent the police and you wouldn't listen.' I sent the fire-service and you wouldn't take their help. I sent a boat and you wouldn't get in. And I sent a helicopter and you ignored it.'

  16. I agree with the quote . You must still lock your car in case someone steals it.  It won`t be God .   the superstition part is similar as you can walk under a ladder and have a pot of paint fall on your head, that is not Gods fault.. I see where you are coming from.

  17. You put forward one step towards God, He will put hundred steps to reach you.

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